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Can entrepreneurship be taught? Apr 09, 2024

Can entrepreneurship be taught?

Some say entrepreneurs are born, not made.

I say you were born to succeed. But whether you do or not is greatly affected by these factors.

- Your willingness to learn entrepreneurship?

- The experience of mentor who is teaching...

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Entrepreneurs: Are you a Vitamin or a Painkiller? Apr 08, 2024

Entrepreneurs: Are you a Vitamin or a Painkiller?

Vitamins are nice. Painkillers? Essential.

Why do standout brands resemble painkillers more than vitamins? The answer lies in the nature of pain itself—it demands our immediate attention.

Consider this: people rarely, if...

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Failure. It's the secret ingredient. Apr 07, 2024

Failure isn't the opposite of success.

It's the secret ingredient.

Picture this: Every setback, every closed door, every 'no' - paving the way for innovation

History's greatest achievements were born from countless failures. The light bulb wasn't invented in a day, nor was the...

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Faith-Driven Founders gathering weekly ā€” Church for Entrepreneurs. Apr 07, 2024

Faith-Driven Founders gathering weekly — for Church for Entrepreneurs. 

Yea, I know. Some of you religious types might be bothered by our use of the word CHURCH. 

If you see the church as a place to go, perhaps it doesn’t make sense to be combined with an...

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11 founders starting & restarting Apr 06, 2024

Do you know what you are looking at? 

It's 11 founders starting & restartingA picture is worth a thousand words. 

This picture is 11 founders from these industries ... 

Health & Beauty 
Executive Search 
Apparel / Fashion 

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I ran into a lady - about to jump off a bridge. Apr 05, 2024

While in Milwaukee ...

 I ran into a lady

- About to jump off a bridge

- She said, do you think God will care if I jump?  

- I knew I needed to choose my words carefully

I said, Lord please help me help her. The Holy Spirit gave me these 6 promises to...

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RevOps explained in 5 min. Apr 04, 2024

RevOps explained in 5 min. 

When mastered, it's like printing money. 

The key to RevOps, is building your playbook around The Buyer Journey of your targeted audience. 

I break RevOps into 3 strategies. 

1 - Demand Generation 
2 - Lead Generation 
3 -...

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Contentment in business is rare; Settling is fatal. Apr 01, 2024

Contentment in business is rare; Settling is fatal.

In the world of startups and entrepreneurship, we're often told to push harder, aim higher, and never be satisfied. But there's a profound difference between contentment and complacency, especially for faith-driven founders.


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If you're hoping, but not expecting, you're in big trouble. Apr 01, 2024

If you're hoping, but not expecting, you're in big trouble — here's why. 

There's a big difference between hoping for something good to happen in your business — and expecting it to happen. 

As a faith-driven entrepreneur, there's a big difference...

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Everything God is ever going to do for you has already been done. Mar 27, 2024

Everything God is ever going to do for you has already been done.

Faith-driven entrepreneurs, you now have 6000+ solutions. 

Everything God is every going to do for you has already been done — through His Word.

There are over 6000 plus Biblical promises in there for...

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The American Dream is an expression of a God-Planted Dream. Mar 27, 2024

Your pursuit of the American Dream is an expression of a God-Planted Dream.

For the majority of Americans, it's the dream of entrepreneurship.

It's no longer rooted in a 9-5 job. 

Your freedom to create prosperity is the root of your entrepreneurial desires. And...

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Why the road to entrepreneurial success feels so bumpy? Mar 26, 2024

Ever wondered why the road to entrepreneurial success feels so bumpy? 

Perhaps there's a divine reason behind every challenge.

Why does God allow so many trials, tests and hardships in an entrepreneurial journey?

1. Refinement & Growth: Every...

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