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My Story Mar 25, 2022

I’m a 6x serial entrepreneur.

- I knew from a young age I wanted to become a business owner.

- But I had no credentials or mentorship. No one to show me how.

My earthly father was a drunk. My heavenly Father was distant.

I had dreams of a better life but no path to get there.

My friends...

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Full-Stack is the Secret Sauce Mar 24, 2022

What do all super-successful solopreneurs, small business CEOs and sales/marketing teams have in common?

- It's why they thrive instead of only surviving.
- It's how I've led multiple INC 500 companies. Ready ...

They are Full-Stack. Front-end to back-end.

They own the complete set of skills...

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Reaching Part Two Mar 23, 2022

This is about the journey to your God-planted destiny.

- Part Two of the journey is your Personal Promised Land.
- But you'll need to make it past Part One to get there!

I love Deuteronomy 8. It describes the journey of a Christ-follower to our Personal Promised Land, AKA our God-planted destiny....

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When Sales and Marketing Breaks Mar 23, 2022

When sales and marketing breaks for me or one of my clients ...

I lead a 1-week deep dive into the customer problem we’re solving ...

We clarify our brand proposition using these three steps

We research, verify, and clarify the customer problem and our solution around these four questions.

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Set Apart, But For What? Mar 22, 2022

If you are a follower of Jesus, you are Set Apart.

- You are called.
- If you answer God's call, then you are protected. 
There are many Christians who call themselves Christ-followers who aren't actually following.
They are believers, but not followers.
They have...

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Entrepreneurs Who Stay Stuck ... Mar 22, 2022

What do you call an entrepreneur who gets really stuck ...
Then God offers help ...
But the Stuck Entrepreneur rejects God's offer to help?
This is a question I often ask an audience at entrepreneurial meetups and conferences I'm invited to speak at.
It usually take a few...

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The Mother Of Promises Mar 21, 2022

Do you want to know how you can live the abundant life?

Start appropriating God's promises into your life. Do it as fast as you can ... start receiving them by faith. 100% of the promises in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, are for you today.

I call this promise the mother of all...

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80 Percent Hate Their Jobs Mar 21, 2022

80% of the workforce loathe (hate) their jobs.
70% are seeking their purpose AND how to become self-employed.

Is this you? To live your best life you have to willing to learn how. But something is missing. 

If life isn't working out the way you planned it, today's post will help you navigate...

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What Would You Change? Mar 21, 2022

If you won 5M in the lotto ...
What would you change in your life?

Every year I ask myself a similar question ... right before I start reviewing my business/revenue/branding model.

Then I ask myself what would I change about my personal life IF I had a magic wand? At first I focus on the...

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A Simple Promise Mar 17, 2022

1 John 5:14-15 NIV - This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Nothing wrong with feeling entitled. I do. Confidently...

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Stuck Between Seasons Mar 17, 2022

Getting stuck between life seasons is no fun.

There are 3 predictable life seasons — and 4 ways to get stuck.

But, you can trade in purposelessness and fear for this ...

>> You can tap into this superpower combination: Purpose + Faith

But first ...

Here are the 3 predictable and inevitable...

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Whatever Things Mar 16, 2022

Mark 11:24 AMP - For this reason I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.

God is not flaky -or- wishy washy. He keeps His promises.

Whatever means...

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