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Your journey WILL NOT be easy. Dec 16, 2022

Anytime you align your entrepreneurial plans with God's, and are faithful to your calling ... your journey WILL NOT be easy.

Because a calling that cost nothing, accomplishes nothing.

Nevertheless, don't trust things that cannot help you while the Lord waits for you to come to Him for help.

Go to...

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This one word from God guarantees your destiny. Dec 15, 2022

As a Faith Driven Founder, this one word from God guarantees your destiny.

The power of Nevertheless.

- You don't have the funding to launch your venture — nevertheless
- You don't have enough experience to be successful — nevertheless
- We are in a recession — nevertheless

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I don't trust anyone who doesn't have a slight limp. Dec 14, 2022

If I'm going to place my trust in someone, it's going to be someone who is battle tested.

Someone with a few battle scars.

Every Faith Driven Founder I know loves Deuteronomy 8:18.

"But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his...

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Not every opportunity is an assignment from God. Dec 13, 2022

Don't walk into every open-door thinking it's from God.

I can't count how many opportunities I've passed on, because they're not from God.

When I'm on an assignment for God, a calling, stick to God's roadmap.

But I've learned this the hard way.

There have been a handful of open-doors that looked...

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How do we decide what founders and ventures get funded? Dec 12, 2022

After 16 years of leading my venture studio/turnaround practice, RPM Strategic, God called me to launch CanaGlobal in 2016.

Our mission being to mobilize Godly wisdom, startup expertise, and Kingdom capital into disruptive ventures and their maverick founders.

So we developed a Kingdom ecosystem...

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So much of what I've planned ā€” doesn't go as planned. Dec 09, 2022

Here's why, and what I've learned.

First, we are at war with the enemy, satan.

Make no mistake, he is real.

Jesus says satan is out to kill, steal and destroy — you and me.

I have a BIG target on my back because my plans are aligned with God's plans.

- I work for God.
- I'm in the army of the...

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A Church in a VC Firm? Dec 08, 2022

If you see the church as a place to go, perhaps it doesn’t make sense to be combined with a venture capital firm.

But I see the church as Jesus described it, an Ekklesia, a people empowered to disciple nations.

- Cities are built by entrepreneurs.
- Industries are built by entrepreneurs.

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Don't be a Christian Kiss-Butt! Dec 07, 2022

Nothing worse than someone with false humility. A WIMP.

Don't get me wrong, God loves humility and resists the proud.

And so do I!

But Jesus paid the price so we could be more than conquerors.

- Not sheep headed for slaughter.
- If you are a Christ follower, you should be RAM TOUGH.

A ram is an adult...

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The Venture Studio inside a venture capital firm. Dec 06, 2022

In 2016, I launched a greenhouse for Kingdom ventures and their maverick founders.

It's the Venture Studio inside a venture capital firm.

There are about 500 venture studios across the globe but less than 5 that cater exclusively to faith driven founders.

I had already been in the "secular" venture...

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My Story: Iā€™m a 6x Serial Entrepreneur. Dec 05, 2022

I knew from a young age I wanted to become a business owner.

But I had no credentials or mentorship. No one to show me how.

My earthly father was a drunk. My heavenly Father was distant.

I had dreams of a better life but no path to get there.

My friends were from successful families, I was...

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What's needed to add 2M, 5M or 10M to your 2023 revenue? Dec 02, 2022

Do you know how many B2B sales meetings a month are needed to add 2M, 5M or 10M to your 2023 revenue?

It's just math.


- Ideal New Customer: $150K AARPA (average annual revenue per account)
- Sales Close Rate: 40%

For 10M = 14 new sales meetings a month
For 5M= 7 new sales meetings a month

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There's a 90% chance you'll fail Nov 25, 2022

If your venture gets funded, there's a 90% chance you'll fail.

That's the industry statistics.

Secular VC and PE like to bet on the racehorse they think will win, place or show.

And if most fail, that's an acceptable casualty. They make the ROI on 1 in 10.

Think FTX or Theranos. Ha!

Yet they like to...

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