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Why do you want to be prosperous? Mar 08, 2024

Regarding Biblical prosperity: Do we seek prosperity to help finance the work of God, or to enjoy the luxuries of life?

- big houses
- showy cars
- expensive clothes
- fancy food
- lavish entertainment

I've learned we have to keep our motives and priorities straight, that there must be...

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God gives us both prosperity and adversity. Mar 06, 2024

I’ve found this to be so true in life. 

God gives us both prosperity and adversity.

He knows how much and how long.

Instead of living for the future, live in the present.

Learn to profit from both pain and pleasure, the trials and the triumphs of life.

This balance keeps...

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If your very best thinking is producing lousy results ... Mar 05, 2024

If your very best thinking is producing lousy results, are you willing to change your thinking to change your results?

Yes?!?!   No?!?!

There are always areas of my life that aren't producing the results I want

- in business
- in my faith walk
- in relationships
- in my...

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Donā€™t confuse a lazy/undisciplined life with work/life balance. Mar 04, 2024

Don’t confuse a lazy/undisciplined life with work/life balance.

You can work super-hard and still have balance.

Just ask the farmer. They comprehend the work principle of seed/harvest. Yet family is a priority.

If you want to succeed and prosper in this life, you’ll...

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Developing entrepreneurs requires Love and Hate. Mar 02, 2024

I've been in the business of developing entrepreneurs for over two decades. It requires love and hate.

You have to love the entrepreneur.
You have to hate the failure.

For me it's life and death.

There is a path that leads to blessing. (life)
There is a path that leads to curse. (death)


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Two Biblical truths I see played out with unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Mar 01, 2024

There are two Biblical truths I see played out with unsuccessful entrepreneurs.

When what they are doing isn't working, they change what they are doing.

Sounds good, right?

pivot. pivot. pivot.

But when the pivots don't work, they always return to what they were doing before, which also...

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Stay frosty. Don't give fear a voice in your life. Feb 29, 2024

Stay frosty. Don't give fear a voice in your life. Speak only what you believe in faith. 

When any thought comes into your mind that is contrary to God's Biblical promises, the ones you have received by faith ... 

Do this.

Capture that thought (isolate it) and make...

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Is God your abundant provider of everything spiritual and material? Feb 27, 2024

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, is God your abundant provider of everything spiritual and material, or just spiritual?

Or is God stingy with the material?

And if He's not your provider of everything material, who is? 


Does God promise to give you the desires...

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Guess what the 1% know that the 99% don't? Feb 27, 2024

The top 1% earn $591,550 a year. Guess what they know that the other 99% don't?

They know how.

Much of the 1% are entrepreneurs. These days you could easily be a solopreneur and be in the top 1% of earners.

You can do $1M in revs and keep 80% as personal income. 

For those of...

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Sometimes my plans totally bomb. Feb 25, 2024

Sometimes my plans totally bomb. My annual CEO conference in Las Vegas is always a sell out. 100% full at $1495 a seat.

But I grew tired of bringing the whole crew out to Las Vegas and that year we decided to host it locally at the Ritz Carlton on Kansas City’s Country Club Plaza. My...

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JESUS CHRIST, will you hurry up! Feb 24, 2024

JESUS CHRIST, will you hurry up! When we get tired of waiting we often think or say something like this.

Sometimes it’s directed at a person.
Sometimes it’s directed at Jesus.

When it’s directed at Jesus, we know He has the power to do what we ask, yet...

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I've been grumbling. I know better. Feb 23, 2024

Recently, God has corrected me on how I've been praying. He reminded me that I've been doing a lot of complaining, grumbling.

Here's what's going on. My posts on LinkedIn drive around 20,000 entrepreneurs to our CanaGlobal website every month. 

I hear stories about so many...

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