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When people fail. Oct 07, 2023

When people fail to achieve their desires, dreams and goals — it's because they see themselves failing.

Stop the dress rehearsal.

It's a coup d'état on your success, with you as the ringleader.


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I launched my first digital course. 1M a month in revenue. Oct 07, 2023

13 years ago I launched my first digital course. 2995 people signed up in our first few months.

We learned how to do 1M a month in revenue. Here's how ...

In one of my ventures we were marketing software coding bootcamps. Training people for dream jobs and dream incomes.


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About Your Trouble ... Oct 05, 2023

This is something I've come to learn about TROUBLE as a faith-driven investor/entrepreneur.

First, it’s the main vehicle of God’s comfort.

When God allows trouble, first He promises deliverance, every-time. That in itself is comforting. His blessings are...

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Your business is a gift from God!?!?! Oct 04, 2023

Your business is a gift from God!?!?!

Do you believe that?

If so, have you committed your plans and efforts to Jesus, trusting in His unmerited favor, wisdom, and strength?

No matter your growth stage, seek to lead it with integrity and purpose, putting the needs of others before your...

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40 years ago I launched my first startup. Oct 03, 2023

I recently turned 62 and I'll admit, I really don't know how to grow a business, without God

40 years ago I launched my first startup.

For 1 year it was a mess. That's when I invited God into my business.

I asked Him to be my business partner.

For quite a few years after...

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Youā€™re not as stuck as you might think! Oct 02, 2023

For anyone feeling stuck in life, you’re not as stuck as you might think.

Faith-driven investors/founders, I’m talking to you.

You are only transitioning from one season to the next.

What has gotten you to where you are in life won’t take you to where you are trying to...

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Baby Christians who never grew up. Sep 30, 2023

There’s a lot of baby Christians who aren’t in it to win it.

They got saved but never grew up spiritually.

They see pursuing success as pagan, not of God.

They haven’t figured out how to connect the dots between business, purpose, success and faith.


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Weā€™ve multiplied our time to help others succeed. Sep 29, 2023

Many who watch what we are doing can’t understand why we are giving so much away for free.

We are simply multiplying time, something God has given freely to us.

We have taken what we have learned about faith, calling, rev-ops and investor readiness and multiplied it to make...

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Get the answer to any question. Sep 28, 2023

You cannot co-create with God if you are not collaborating with Him before, during and after each day.

Be intentional about entering into a two-way conversation with Him daily. One-way conversation is for windbags. It’s not a healthy relationship.

One Sunday morning I was...

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Work Hard. Work Smart. Sep 26, 2023

There are many talking (empty) heads who lecture us all about working too hard.

As if, when you work hard, somehow you will miss out on life, or time spent with your family.

To them I say poppycock. Be quiet, you clouds with no rain.

Like many of you I’m an entrepreneur. Serial. ...

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You'll have to pass this test. Sep 26, 2023

Every faith-driven founder and/or investor will have to eventually pass this test.

If you are pursuing a God-planted dream as an entrepreneur, expect to be tested by God. He will allow adversity into your life. Every follower of Jesus Christ will experience this trouble.


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The spiritually blind, walk by sight. Sep 24, 2023

The spiritually blind, walk by sight.

But those who walk by faith, see.

Isn’t that an ironic truth?

God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day. (Romans 11:8)

>> But for us who walk by faith, we...

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