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There are two types of faith-driven founders. Apr 23, 2024

You decided to start a business. Great! 

Build it with God, here's how and why. 

There are two types of faith-driven founders.  

- those who try to bootstrap 
- those who try to raise capital  

Both have become obsessed with a problem ...

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Most entrepreneurs never make money. Apr 22, 2024

Most entrepreneurs never make money. 

But everyone who really wants to, can.  

Every founder at some point musters up the courage to leave the 9-5 and pursue what most would call the new American dream — entrepreneurship 

It's the pursuit of freedom...

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Every founders' original idea is flawed. Apr 18, 2024

Every founders' original idea is flawed. 

If you go-to-market before you do this, you're screwed! 

Every entrepreneur launching a business starts out with an idea. What most don't know is that the idea is deeply flawed 

They all are — at first...

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Imposter syndrome is negative self-talk. Apr 16, 2024

Imposter syndrome is negative self-talk.

It's a big lie that should be reversed.

You are actually rehearsing your failure. Instead you need to reverse it.

Don't rehearse it. Reverse it.

Anytime you aim higher than your past limited experiences, you will experience what many...

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I've prayed two different ways in my life. Apr 16, 2024

I've prayed two different ways in my life. I've prayed hoping God would answer my prayers and I've prayed expecting God to answer my prayers. Someplace between my dreams and my destiny, something changed.

Growing up I always knew God COULD do anything for me, but I wasn't...

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I don't trust anyone ā€”Ā  unless ... Apr 14, 2024

I don't trust anyone

Unless they have a slight limp.

I need to know they've been through the fire.

That's where all of us are refined. In the fire.

So if you're going through the fire right now, consider it God's finishing school.

Whatever God allows, He'll use it to refine you, and prosper...

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This revelation about partnering with God. Apr 13, 2024

One day I had this revelation — about partnering with God.

If I'm going to co-create with God, because my startup dreams are from God — then He's my business partner.

For me it changed everything about becoming the faith-driven founder/investor He has created...

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Before a business finally takes off ... Apr 12, 2024

Before a business finally takes off. 

Here's what most miss. 

The reality is most businesses are like the Chinese bamboo plant. It barely grows above ground — for its first four years. 

You hardly see anything happening. 

Even though your water it, fertilize it,...

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As a faith-driven founder, this is success defined. Apr 11, 2024

As a faith-driven founder, this is success defined.

It's understanding God's call ...

- on my life
- on my business

... and then doing it.

Success is understanding God's plan and purpose for me, in every season and assignment, and then walking out the journey with God, hand-in-hand.


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Can entrepreneurship be taught? Apr 09, 2024

Can entrepreneurship be taught?

Some say entrepreneurs are born, not made.

I say you were born to succeed. But whether you do or not is greatly affected by these factors.

- Your willingness to learn entrepreneurship?

- The experience of mentor who is teaching...

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Entrepreneurs: Are you a Vitamin or a Painkiller? Apr 08, 2024

Entrepreneurs: Are you a Vitamin or a Painkiller?

Vitamins are nice. Painkillers? Essential.

Why do standout brands resemble painkillers more than vitamins? The answer lies in the nature of pain itself—it demands our immediate attention.

Consider this: people rarely, if...

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Failure. It's the secret ingredient. Apr 07, 2024

Failure isn't the opposite of success.

It's the secret ingredient.

Picture this: Every setback, every closed door, every 'no' - paving the way for innovation

History's greatest achievements were born from countless failures. The light bulb wasn't invented in a day, nor was the...

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