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I started out with nothing.

May 06, 2024

When you start out with nothing — you learn to pray bold prayers. 

When I first started as an entrepreneur, I started out with nothing.  

Since that time, 40 years ago, I've had to start over a few times

So I've learned to pray big

The first time I read Deuteronomy 28:1-14, I knew instantly I wanted my life to reflect this passage. It became my north star. 

The heading in my bible says "Blessings for Obedience" so I knew I needed to be obedient

Not perfect, just obedient.  

As a follower of Jesus Christ I understand that my sins (past, present and future) are already forgiven. But I still aim for obedience. 

I knew Deuteronomy 28:1-14 wasn't written to me, but it was written for me. 

I knew God rewards:  

- He rewards faith 
- He rewards obedience 

So I decided to put Him first. (Matt 6:33) 

By faith I believed if I put Him first, He would fulfill His promise to give me the desires of my heart. (Psalm 37:4) 

And FYI, my desires aren't evil, selfish or greedy. If you still struggle with the love of money, you are a baby Christian — grow up! 

Nevertheless, my dreams are very large. It's my nature is to swing for the fences. 

BTW, I don't allow others to tell me what's true or not true in the Bible. I read it for myself. I'm a big boy, I know how to feed myself

With all of the faith camps out there, context tends to be "an opinion". 

It can be like the Left saying follow the science with their vaccines and masks. Their science tends to be an agenda. How about NO, I think I'll just follow the truth

If you're like me, you dream big followed by bold action, I encourage you to pray bold prayers. I've never once had God tell me my prayers were too big for Him. Just sayin'. 

God is watching. God is Listening. God is answering prayers


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