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Why does God allow so many tests and trials? Oct 18, 2023

Ever wondered why the road to entrepreneurial success feels so bumpy?

Perhaps there's a divine reason behind every challenge.

Why does God allow so many trials, tests and hardships in an entrepreneurial journey?

1. Refinement & Growth: Every entrepreneur...

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What you "don't know" is blocking your success. Oct 17, 2023

As entrepreneurs, what you "don't know" is blocking your success.

Our challenges persist because we lack the knowledge to solve them. If we knew how, they wouldn't exist. Right?

So consider this concept:

- There are things we know.

- There are things we know we don't know.


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Managers must shift from jacks-of-all-trades to masters of one. Oct 17, 2023

Divine Wisdom: Challenges for Faith-Driven Founders as Teams Grow

As your company grows from 6 or 7 employees to 15 or 40, a remarkable transformation unfolds. In the early days, everyone embraces many roles, becoming jacks-of-all-trades.

Yet, as your workforce expands, ...

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Trials can work for you not against you. Oct 16, 2023

Faith-Driven Founders, when you trust God, trials work for you not against you.

But you must learn how to become 100% yielded to God.

Because if your heart and mind are divided, trials will rip you apart.

Friends, trials prepare us for blessing

Over the years...

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My definition of prosperity and success goes beyond money. Oct 15, 2023

So many Faith Driven Founders aren't sure if it's God's will to PROSPER them.

People often overlook the true meaning of happiness when they hear the words "prosperity and success." 

They fail to realize that true happiness lies in every aspect of their lives.

When I say...

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Ever wonder how a $425M exit happened? Oct 14, 2023

Ever wonder how a $425M exit happened?

It started by redefining what's urgent. Dive in to discover how I transformed my task prioritization, and found clarity beyond measure. 

Here's what I've learned, my three levels of PRIORITY for growing a startup.

For me, it's...

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From $200,000 to $1 million in monthly sales. Oct 13, 2023

I had a sudden revenue shift in one of my ventures, going from $200,000 to $1 million in monthly sales. The shift happened over 30 days

We hit a roadblock at $200k per month and tried various tactics to accelerate growth, but we were stuck in the mud for 11 months...

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Who I partner with. Oct 12, 2023

I only partner with faith-driven founders who walk with a slight limp.

Those who have gone through hell and high water, but they're still in the race. 

They never gave up!

Like a timex, they took a licking but kept on ticking.

They are battle-tested.

They no longer mess their...

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How long should it take you to reach your first 1M, 10M or 100M? Oct 11, 2023

Faith-Driven Founders: How long should it take you to reach your first 1M, 10M or 100M?

And more importantly, what has to happen to reach each revenue level profitability?

If you can’t see clearly what has to happen to get to each stage, the odds are you'll never reach...

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Has God ever planned on killing you? Oct 10, 2023

Has God ever planned on killing you?

It happened to Moses. But why?

God chooses Moses, a murderer, for an important assignment. Moses feels under-qualified and begins to question God’s decision:

- Why have you chosen me?
- How will I do it?
- What if I fail?

Moses chickens out...

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At times you will be confused. Oct 09, 2023

Life is full of ups and downs. At times you will be confused, you'll lose your bearings and feel like quitting.

You'll have to control your thought life if you want to succeed.

Why? Because your thought life will control your feelings about everything in your life.


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Decoding Woke Double-Talk. Oct 08, 2023

Decoding Woke Double-Talk: Why faith-driven founders must embrace brutal honesty over woke lies.

We need to prioritize truth over comfort, even if it's uncomfortable.

Ever encountered someone who talks in riddles and woke cliches, like they're reading from a fortune cookie?...

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