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How do you start making money in business? May 08, 2024

How do you start making money in business?  

Go back, and start with your customers real problem 

90% of founders are struggling to get this right. It's really easy to get this wrong. And when you don't, you won't make money. 

Here's an example: 


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Are you experiencing DREAD in your life? May 07, 2024

Christian entrepreneurs, if you are experiencing DREAD in your life ... dreading this or that ... it's because you've misunderstood God's (your Father's) love for you. 

- There is no fear in love [dread does not exist

- But perfect (complete, full-grown) love...

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I started out with nothing. May 06, 2024

When you start out with nothing — you learn to pray bold prayers. 

When I first started as an entrepreneur, I started out with nothing.  

Since that time, 40 years ago, I've had to start over a few times

So I've learned to pray big

The first...

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When entrepreneurs get sick and tired of being sick and tired. May 05, 2024

There comes a point when all entrepreneurs get sick and tired of being sick and tired — with our lack of progress.

When you are ready, these two hard truths & decisions will precede your New Beginnings

Both new and seasoned entrepreneurs will find themselves here.


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The Choice: 90% failure vs. 70% success. May 04, 2024

There has never been a better time to start a business.

The Choice: 90% failure vs. 70% success.

You've heard the cliche, The future is now. Still true.

Forget the unicorn, that's for wishful thinkers. Instead, plant an oak tree.

When's the best time to plant an oak tree. 20...

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Don't take soldier advice from someone who hasn't been to war. May 03, 2024

Don't take soldier advice from someone who hasn't been to war. 

Don't take entrepreneurial advice from anyone who hasn't grown a business to over 1M in revenue. 93% have not. 

7% surpass 1M 
1% surpass 10M 

If you're going to get solid advice, find one who's...

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If your venture feels stuck ... May 02, 2024

If your venture feels stuck, maybe God's polishing, not punishing

Let's explore. 

When a faith-driven founder can't seem to crack-the-code, and the revenue (success) is noticeably absent, I can guarantee you it's because God is working on your character. 

He's teaching...

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I was homeless the year I launched my first startup. May 01, 2024

Being poor sucks.

I know, I started out poor.

How do I define being poor in America? 

- struggling to pay your bills
- living paycheck to paycheck
- no cash reserves
- living in lack

What's the opposite of being poor? 

- To me it's ...

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Why are so many Coaches, Mentors, and Consultants broke ā€” or struggling? Apr 29, 2024

Why are so many Coaches, Mentors, and Consultants broke — or struggling?


They never learned how to become true entrepreneurs.

No one is born an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship must be learned.

Every serial entrepreprenur/investor understands all original ideas are...

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When God leads us through dry places. Apr 29, 2024

What do you do when your brook runs dry? 

Don't be surprised when God directs you to someone else who is running on empty

When it's God ordained, His providence, prepare for His multiplication

That's what happened to God's prophet Elijah. 

God had used Elijah to...

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From laid off to startup founder ... Apr 28, 2024

Some of the greatest founders ever — will be birthed out of a recent layoff.

You have a great job
Great pay
Great team
Great boss

Feels like family. Until you get the cold-notice that you have been chosen to leave the family.

- When you started you felt like...

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Why I love being wrong. Apr 27, 2024

I love getting it right. 

That's why I love being wrong. 

Because when I'm wrong, I have an opportunity to get it right.  

And I love being right.  

Anyone who meets me knows I have a bold humility. And that I'm a tough love guy. 


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