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How we set/achieve revenue goals. Jul 11, 2023

I am a trauma surgeon for business.

Here’s how we set/achieve revenue goals at CanaGlobal’s venture studio.

Our Northstar for every portfolio company is to drive their first 10M in sales.

They all come in with a minimum of 2M in revs. ($166k/mo)

So we have to work...

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Thereā€™s no such thing as a stupid ... Jul 10, 2023

There’s no such thing as a stupid question. Actually, there is.

We’ve all been in meetings, trying to solve a problem when someone asks a stupid question, or presents an equally stupid idea.

And then you end up wasting an enormous amount of time discussing the...

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To land new clients, do this. Jul 07, 2023

To land new clients (drive revenue) as a faith-driven founder, just do this.

First, let me start with Faith + Action.

I have faith in God’s Word (His covenant with me). So I find the biblical promises I will stand on concerning being successful and prospering. There...

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A winner's faith is contagious. Jul 06, 2023

A winner's faith is contagious. Literally. It’s why I hang around with other …

- faith-filled
- favor-filled
- spirit-filled

“All things are possible” entrepreneurs.

These are the best people in the world to co-create with.

The opposite of faith is...

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Finding Your Entrepreneur Tribe. Jul 05, 2023

Let's have church!

I love hanging out (dinners, events, virtual gatherings etc …) with fellow faith-driven entrepreneurs. Especially those who are spirit-filled.

I enjoy the newbies as much as the super-seasoned. When a group of power-filled winners get together, it’s...

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Winning ā€” From a Biblical Worldview. Jul 04, 2023

I’ve been learning about winning (from a biblical worldview).

A few weeks ago God began to speak to me about winning.

He said, “The CanaGlobal ecosystem is a training camp for winners. The people I send to you are winners, but they don’t all know it. In...

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Church For Entrepreneurs Jul 03, 2023

Every iconic entrepreneur has stories of wins and losses.

War stories about enduring and overcoming the obstacles.

When you have a story, it’s important to share it with other entrepreneurs.

It’s how we learn from each other.

Every week I gather virtually with other...

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Not living your best life? Jun 30, 2023

82% of followers of Jesus Christ aren’t living their best life.

How is that??? They’re simply not living the life God has planned for them.

They don’t know what that looks like.

Though 99% believe God has a specific plan and purpose for their life, 82% say they don’t know...

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What are your sales goals? Jun 29, 2023

What are your sales goals?

What are your plans to get there? Pretty basic right?

Surprisingly, it’s easy for a small business founders to lose site of this.

Especially the plan part.

As faith-driven founders, how can we ask God to establish (to bring success) our plans, if we...

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Building a Kingdom Ecosystem Jun 28, 2023

In the last 30 days 14,583 investors/entrepreneurs have reached out to CanaGlobal. Why? What’s going on?

They are fulfilling a Word from God.

Soon after we launched CanaGlobal in 2016, God put a Word in my heart about our future.

Initially my plan was to...

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90% of startups fail because ... Jun 27, 2023

90% of new entrepreneurs fail because they’ve not developed a RevOps Playbook for their venture.

They’ve traded in their 9-5 paycheck-to-paycheck job for an entrepreneurial pursuit without a paycheck. Statistically, it won’t end well.


They not only...

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Business is my pulpit. Jun 26, 2023

I knew from a young age I wanted to become an entrepreneur. But I had no credentials or mentorship. No one to show me how.

My earthly father was a drunk. My heavenly Father was distant.

I had dreams of a better life but no path to get there.

My friends were from successful families,...

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