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What's your TRUE motive? Apr 05, 2022

Proverbs 16:2-3 AMP - All the ways of a man are clean and innocent in his own eyes [and he may see nothing wrong with his actions], But the Lord weighs and examines the motives and intents [of the heart and knows the truth]. Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him], And your...

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Why are you creating content? Apr 04, 2022

Why do you write copy and share it on LinkedIn?

To generate likes, comments and followers?

Who might buy something from you?

What's the motivation behind what you do?

Everyday people flock to LinkedIn. People are searching for something.

- New jobs
- Business development
- Personal development

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Time to Fast? Apr 04, 2022

Matthew 6:17-18 TPT - When you fast, don’t let it be obvious, but instead, wash your face  and groom yourself and realize that your Father in the secret place is the one who is watching all that you do in secret and will continue to reward you.


Do you need a breakthrough in...

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Getting Pruned For Growth Apr 01, 2022

John 15:2 NIV - He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.


This week my trees got pruned.

A storm came and the gardeners had to stop, they left my yard a mess. God gave me this message to...

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To succeed. I need help. Every single day. Mar 31, 2022

Psalm 121:1-2 NIV - I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.


To succeed. I need help. Every single day.

In life. And in business. So I go to God — every single morning.

Why? There is always...

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70% of the Workforce Have a Dream To Do Something 90% Fail At. Mar 31, 2022

How very odd — 70% of the global workforce have a dream to do something that 90% fail at — grow a business.

But there are only 3 types of people in the entrepreneurial space ...
And only 1 type that actually succeeds. Which are you?

I've been in the entrepreneurial space for 37 years....

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Do what works. Stop doing what doesn't. Or starve. Mar 30, 2022

Proverbs 12:11NIV - Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.


Don't be ...

- a cloud with no rain

- all hat, no cattle

Every entrepreneur has to figure this out.

Do what works. Stop doing what doesn't. Or starve.

This biblical truth...

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The Secret Sauce of the Outperformer Mar 30, 2022

Have you ever met an outperformer, someone who seems to surpass everyone else in terms of success and sustainability?

They make the best entrepreneurs. Only 5% think like they do. What’s their secret?

They can experience failures, setbacks, and whatever else life seems to throw their way,...

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The Call Mar 29, 2022

Luke 4:18-19 NIV - The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.



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The Year of Entrepreneurial Freedom Mar 29, 2022

Welcome to the year of entrepreneurial freedom.

- After two years of surrendering your freedoms to the blue-stack
- The 9-5 grind in Woke Big-Tech, Biz, Gov, Media, Arts and Edu

A Massive Exodus Is Unfolding ... for the freedom to enjoy life again.

Millions are reconnecting the dots between faith,...

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Success Is Available For The Ask Mar 28, 2022

For Sale: Success

Member Price: Faith ........ Place your request with God

What a promise ... He holds success in store for the upright.

Proverbs 2:7 NIV is a biblical promise for all Christ-followers. Depending on the translation, you'll find it uses the words "success" or "wisdom", they...

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Unlearning Failure Mar 28, 2022

You are failing. Drowning in a sea of activity.

Don't get mad. I'm just confirming what you already know.

Failure is something you learned to do. So Unlearn it.

Have you ever seen someone drowning? Arms flailing to stay above water. Sinking.

Failing sucks. Failing is just failure to learn what...

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