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What’s always behind your bad results? Apr 19, 2023

Entrepreneurs, what’s always behind your bad results?

It’s this. Bad thinking.

- Look, we all have a way of thinking, for good or bad.

- Our thinking produces a way of doing, for good or bad.

- And then our doing produces results, for good or bad.

So when your results are bad, so...

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Investor Readiness Has Changed. Apr 18, 2023

The state of investor readiness has radically changed over the past 24 months.

The Babylonian VC/PE ecosystem (ESG) is collapsing. (go woke. go broke)

And a new breed of spirit-filled Investors/LPs have emerged.

Locked and loaded with Kingdom capital for Kingdom...

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Don't bore the pants off potential investors and customers! Apr 17, 2023

The pitch deck is how you "carefully craft" your story.

Miss this (most do), and you'll bore the pants off potential investors and customers.

Crafting the "right one" is definitely an endeavor that pays off BIG.

Look, it's hard work to get the meetings, quit blowing it!


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You’d better be in the top 10%! Apr 14, 2023

If you are a startup founder you’d better plan on being in the top 10%.

Because the bottom 90% are headed for failure.

And if you think getting funded is the answer, you’d be dead wrong because only 20-30% of VC funds generate satisfactory returns.

That means some real losers...

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He will supply all of your needs. Apr 13, 2023

Not everyone believes in God's Prosperity.

But I do!

The economy may be down — but God will prosper you right in the desert.

Cash might be tight — but God says He will supply all of your needs.

You might be in debt — but God says you will lend and not borrow....

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The supplier of my Dreams & Desires Apr 12, 2023

Have you ever had a client buy you a car?

I have.

He was in our venture studio and our goal was to 10x his revenue.

I like swinging for the fences, so I made him a bet.

If we could beat our goal, he would pay for a new jag. It was 93k back then.

But here’s the back...

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Stubbornly and Spiritually Blind. Apr 11, 2023

Some hard words for blind believers.

When one is stubbornly and spiritually blind … that is, when one cannot discern who is on the side of good or evil … that one cannot discern lies from the truth.

That one becomes foolish...

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He Lies. Apr 10, 2023

He Lies.

If satan can control your thoughts.

He can control you.

How does he lie?

Through thoughts, contrary to biblical truths, that you allow rent free.

And through his prophets, the media.

Satan always partners with man.

It’s how he is discipling people and nations.

If you believe...

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The weather is rarely right! Apr 07, 2023

Avoid excuses.

The weather is rarely right for what the farmer wants to do.

But he does it anyway.

You have to be willing to launch out by faith if you hope to get anywhere in life.

So we get up early, work smart, and hard.

If dawn is sweet to you, your sleep at night will also be...

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God gives us both prosperity and adversity. Apr 06, 2023

I’ve found this to be so true in life.

God gives us both prosperity and adversity.

He knows how much and how long.

Instead of living for the future, live in the present.

Learn to profit from both pain and pleasure, the trials and the triumphs of life.

This balance keeps you humble and from...

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My three levels of PRIORITY for growing a startup. Apr 05, 2023

My three levels of PRIORITY for growing a startup.

For me, it's no longer Low, Medium and High.

A few years back this really helped me set a new standard for assigning priority levels to my tasks and projects.

Setting priority is something most startup founders struggle with.

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Find the desires of your heart. Apr 04, 2023

At 6a this morning, my business partner Benson Agbortogo texted me this word: Delight

At the time I was asking God what to write for today.

This is what God showed me for you who read this.

When you encounter Trouble or Temptation, look for God’s way out.

If you will take delight in...

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