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My three levels of PRIORITY for growing a startup. Apr 05, 2023

My three levels of PRIORITY for growing a startup.

For me, it's no longer Low, Medium and High.

A few years back this really helped me set a new standard for assigning priority levels to my tasks and projects.

Setting priority is something most startup founders struggle with.

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Find the desires of your heart. Apr 04, 2023

At 6a this morning, my business partner Benson Agbortogo texted me this word: Delight

At the time I was asking God what to write for today.

This is what God showed me for you who read this.

When you encounter Trouble or Temptation, look for God’s way out.

If you will take delight in...

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Startup Failure Apr 03, 2023

The life of an entrepreneur is peaks and valleys. 90% fail or give up somewhere along the journey. Anyone saying something different is trying to sell you something.

Yet 70% of the global workforce have a desire to become entrepreneurs.

Why? They want the freedom to create their own path to...

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Over 12,000 new investors and founders every month! Mar 31, 2023

This one Demand Generation tactic should be a part of every Founder’s RevOps Playbook.

It delivers over 12,000 new investors and founders to our website every month.

Eleven months ago I started writing content for LinkedIn 1x a day.

I write about:

- Faith

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Pursuing Your Dreams & Desires. Mar 29, 2023

Three Truths I’ve learned about pursuing my dreams & desires.

#1 - I have God-planted dreams and goals, these have become my life’s desires.

#2 - When our hearts and motivations are right, God will give us the desires of our hearts.

#3 - The key is to always put God first in my...

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Vision, Goals & Expectations. Mar 28, 2023

Here’s my approach to personal and business vision, goals and expectations.

I am expecting God to open up the windows of heaven, to pour out His unprecedented favor, with supernatural opportunities and increase.

My faith in His Word sets the expectation. (Ephesians 3:20)

- Now to Him who is...

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God calls us into partnership with Him. Mar 27, 2023

When God wants to get a job done, He calls Christ-followers into partnership with Him.

- He equips them
- He gives them His plan

This is how we co-create with the Creator.

And then He does this, He calls others to:

- Help us
- And to provide the needed resources

I love that when God wants a work...

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The economy is not my source. Mar 24, 2023

The economy is not my source.

God is.

And God isn’t having a down year.

So if you are struggling, remember this promise found in Psalm 81:10. It’s still active today:

- For it was I, Jehovah your God
- Who brought you out of the land of Egypt
- Only test me
- Open your mouth wide
- See if...

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When Your Faith & Actions Agree. Mar 23, 2023

When you go to God, go to Him with your positive expectations.

Make your planning and preparation match your expectations.

There is no limit to what you can do with God. Do you believe this?

Then make your faith and actions agree.

How? Ask the Holy Spirit to control your soul (mind, will and...

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Asking God to throw you a bone. Mar 22, 2023

Have you ever had a dog politely staring at you at the dinner table, hoping his master will throw him a bone?

That’s totally me when I’m asking God to advance His timeline, and throw me a bone.

Sometimes, after waiting and waiting and waiting, I approach God with a shameless audacity....

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Peace and Joy don't come from ideal circumstances. Mar 21, 2023

Peace and Joy don't come from ideal circumstances.

They come from Jesus.

How do you get peace and joy?

#1 - It's a biblical promise from God that you can have the peace of Jesus.

#2 - It comes through spending much time being present, in the presence of Jesus, and through reading the promises...

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Struggling to overcome a tough season? Mar 20, 2023

Struggling to overcome a tough season? Here's the truth you need to hear: You can't just pray it away. Let's talk about embracing the journey and trusting in God's plan.

You see, there are some seasons of struggle that are simply part of God's plan for us, and we can't...

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