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Should you bootstrap or raise capital for your startup? Jan 22, 2024

Should you bootstrap or raise capital for your startup? 

In my opinion, the founders who are doing both, are especially wise. They've developed a playbook for both.

Take founders Brian Mangels and Justin Clark with their b2c venture Home On, they are doing both....

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When everything I am "trying" to do isn't working. Jan 21, 2024

Every-time I have become stuck over my 40 year entrepreneurial journey, when everything I am "trying" to do isn't working, best I can remember THE ANSWER has been in front of me the whole time.

Each time I can remember, God multiplied what I had. But for some reason I...

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Want to attract (look very sexy) to investors? Jan 20, 2024

Want to attract (look very sexy) to investors? Produce profitable revenue. THIS. Is the law of attraction.

To those founders who have the courage, who have invested the time to learn RevOps, building the revenue engine that attracts new customers, you will ALSO...

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I started with a simple idea. Jan 19, 2024

Entrepreneurship is the new American Dream. 40 years ago my life as an entrepreneur started with a simple idea. I didn't have any money or investors, just a little faith in God and the Bible.

It turns out the idea was from God.

What I learned was my future isn't determined by my present...

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The X Factor for strong revenue performance. Jan 18, 2024

Keeping these 6 dots connected has been the X Factor for strong revenue performance.

These 6 dots plus ONE.

#1 - Writing down the cost of having what I want personally (family goals).

#2 - Building and vetting my business model to provide the revenue and personal income...

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Everything God does is determined by His covenant. Jan 17, 2024

"Fantastic teaching. It doesn't get any better than this. God does indeed want to prosper us in all things, but it has to be done his way." (Rick Campos, Startup Founder)

Love reading these comments from our digital academies at CanaGlobal's entrepreneur school. 

When God created the...

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Wishful or Faithful Thinking? Jan 16, 2024

I believe it's healthy to set Ephesians 3:20 sized dreams, even when you don't know how you will ever achieve them. Or is this just wishful thinking?

If you are a Christian entrepreneur and believe God's Word is His will for your life, ponder Ephesians 3:20 AMP.

- Now to Him who is...

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One question for Elon??? Jan 15, 2024

Entrepreneurs, if Elon was willing to teach you one thing, what would it be?

If God who knows everything was willing to teach you one thing, what would it be?

Looking forward to reading some of your answers.

My instinct is that we would ask Elon something about business or success....

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I've prayed two different ways in my life. Jan 14, 2024

I've prayed two different ways in my life.

I've prayed hoping God would answer my prayers and I've prayed expecting God to answer my prayers. Someplace between my dreams and my destiny, something changed.

Growing up I always knew God COULD do anything for me, ...

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Are you sure you're partnering with God? Jan 13, 2024

Christians in business talk a lot (blah blah blah) about co-creating or partnering with God. But what does that really mean? How does it play out for you?

Many of us in business use strategic "key partnerships" with other companies or individuals to expand our audiences and grow our...

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Struggling with Anxiety? Jan 11, 2024

Are You a Christian Entrepreneur Struggling with Anxiety?

As Christian entrepreneurs, we often face anxiety and worry. But have you wondered what God's advice is for us in these moments? It varies, depending on your spiritual stance:

No-Strength Christians: Those who view the...

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The amateur who thinks they're an expert. Jan 10, 2024

Let's cut to the chase - we've all been in those meetings. Someone pops up with a question or an idea that, let's be honest, isn't exactly a stroke of genius. And what happens next? 

We all end up chasing our tails, wasting precious time on something that should've been thought...

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