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New startup founders are slow to learn this. Dec 21, 2023

New startup founders are slow to learn this. They think their ideas are v100 when they are actually v2 or 3. The Biblical term for this is stupidity.

"A [closed-minded] fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his personal opinions [unwittingly displaying his self-indulgence...

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Why I left the Church. Dec 20, 2023

Here’s why I left the Church.

I realized Church wasn’t a place to go, it was a people. An Ekklesia.

Jesus gave us our marching orders in two of the gospels TO GO and make disciples of people and nations.

I began to realize it was time for the church to be...

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Are you rejecting God's prosperity? Dec 19, 2023

It's odd how many Christians don't believe it's God's will for them to prosper — in EVERY area of their life.

But Gerald, "can you actually know what God's will is?" 

Yes! His Word (the Bible) is His will. 

Unless of course you don't believe the Bible is...

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The God-Kind of faith doesn't care. Dec 18, 2023

The God-Kind of faith doesn't care.

- It doesn't care if you are rich or poor.
- It doesn't care about what country you're in.
- It doesn't care about your level of education.
- It doesn't care about your background or connections.

You see, God specializes in taking the nobodies of the world,...

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We are what we say. Dec 18, 2023

I've been reading through my 2023 journal, my notes from my daily conversations with God and what I've learned from studying His Word. I can sum it all up with these four words.

>> Simple faith. Plain truth.

We become what we think.
We become what we believe.
We become what we...

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There is a harvest for putting God's agenda before mine. Dec 16, 2023

There is a harvest for putting God's agenda before mine. It's actually one of His promises to us as followers of Jesus Christ.

>> When you do this, Matt 6:33

- But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being...

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Are we a business that is also a ministry? Dec 16, 2023

Sometimes I'm confused. Are we (CanaGlobal) a business that is also a ministry? Or are we a ministry that is also a business?

The lines are blurred.

Make no mistake, we are a faith-driven venture studio that is enormously profitable, a for-profit business that is also faith-driven....

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Weā€™re on a battleship not a cruise ship. Dec 14, 2023

Entrepreneurs, do you want to see God’s multiplication in your life?

Then share what you’ve learned about connecting the dots between business, purpose, success and faith.

Connect the dots for people. And do it on LinkedIn.

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ,...

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God will multiply what you already have. Dec 13, 2023

Instead of telling God what He needs to do to grow your business and revenue, ask Him to show you how He will multiply what you already have.

God did just that when He fed the 5000. He multiplied what they already had.

Instead of being so fixated on runway, runway, runway. (VC)
Focus on revenue,...

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God gives us the Power and Ability to create wealth. Dec 12, 2023

God gives us the Power and Ability to create wealth. 

The question is why?

Wealth is a tool that can be used for building up Babylon — or the Kingdom of God.

Note: The wealth of the unsaved is stored up for the righteous.

Wealth is a gift from God that...

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FIRE: 60 seconds from Church for Entrepreneurs Dec 11, 2023

I don't trust anyone unless they have a slight limp.

I need to know they've been through the fire.

That's where all of us are refined. In the fire.

So if you're going through the fire right now, consider it God's finishing school.

Whatever God allows, He'll use it to refine you, and prosper you....

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Seeking venture capital? Dec 10, 2023

Every Kingdom-minded startup founder seeking venture capital is experiencing this.


It's really really hard to raise capital in the current climate. (I blame climate change), Ha!

Your approach to Kingdom-minded startup investors couldn't more polar opposite...

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