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Don't walk into every open-door.

Jan 02, 2024

Not every opportunity is from God. Don't walk into every open-door thinking it's from God.

I can't count how many opportunities I've passed on, because they're not from God. 

When you're on an assignment for God, a calling, stick to God's roadmap.

At times, I've learned this the hard way. 

There have been a handful of open-doors that looked exactly like the very opportunities I'd been praying for — only they weren't from God.

They were actually traps set by satan. He was masquerading as light. 

In hindsight, I got unequally yolked (partnered) with the wrong people. 

All of these wrong opportunities cost me a tremendous amount of wasted time and money.

So if you are on a God assignment going from dream to destiny, remember, not every opportunity will lead to your destination. Avoid the shortcuts.

How can one know the difference, you'll have to be able to hear God's voice. And, make no mistake, He's ALWAYS speaking 24/7.

Let's be listening 24/7.

Do you want to hear His voice? Meditate on His Word 24/7. Then you be prosperous and successful in all that you do.

That's exactly what God instructed Joshua to do as he was preparing to take Jericho. And it's exactly how we should prepare to take our Jerichos.


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