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Conflicted With Your Lack of Progress? Aug 20, 2022

Be content — but NEVER settle.

Have you ever met someone who was conflicted with their lack of progress in life?

There's a good chance that because of some setbacks, they've settled for less than God's best.

It's very likely this person has become a victim who is full of contempt. They've...

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I Want to Succeed and Prosper. Aug 20, 2022

As an entrepreneur and investor, I want to succeed and prosper in every area of my life.

No one has to remind me that life is not easy, that we will face giants on our journey. Yup, I am aware.

Nevertheless, for anyone partnered and powered by God, biblical prosperity is available to you.


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Don't Join The 90% Who Are Failing Aug 20, 2022

In business — what you don't know will DESTROY you.

Miss this, and you will join the 90% who are failing.

There's a biblical truth tucked away in Hosea 4:6 that lays out the source of ALL failure. Lack of knowledge.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

And when it come to...

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There are Three Types of Founders Aug 20, 2022

There are There are Three Types of Founders of Founders ...

- Solopreneur
- Entrepreneurs
- Wannapreneurs

The main difference between the solopreneur and the entrepreneur is usually revenue.

Many founders begin solo, but as revenue nears 1M in revenue, most begin building a team.

>> Now...

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Experience The X-Factor Aug 20, 2022

When you are working on a Kingdom project ... you will experience the X-factor ... both supernatural acceleration and multiplication.

30x. 60x. 100x.

God will accelerate things that should have taken years to grow, and then suddenly, He will accelerate something overnight.

That's what happened in...

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Put a Cap on Your Lifestyle Aug 19, 2022

One of the most powerful things you can ever do for yourself is to put a cap on your lifestyle. Decide what you need or want, then give the rest away. Live to be generous.

If not, you'll enter into the soul-sucking cycle of keeping up with the Joneses.

Even poor people fall into this trap. And...

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Super Busy Juggling Multiple Projects? Aug 19, 2022

If you are like me, you are super busy, juggling multiple projects.

And every so often when the road feels a bit bumpy, take the time to get aligned.

In some ways, we are like a cars, and after so many miles we have to get aligned, especially if we've hit a few curbs.

As a servant capitalist...

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Wearing the Robe of Righteousness Aug 19, 2022

What are you wearing? Sorry if that sounds creepy!

I ask because if you are a Christ-Follower driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God you should be wearing a robe of righteousness — not guilt and condemnation.

From the moment you received Christ as your savior, ...

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God Gives Us the Power and Ability to Create Wealth Aug 19, 2022

It is God who gives us the power and ability to create wealth.

The question is why?

Wealth is a tool that can be used for building up Babylon — or the Kingdom of God.

The wealth of the unsaved is stored up for the righteous.

Wealth is a gift from God that must be harnessed for Kingdom...

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You Are Anointed by God for Business Aug 19, 2022

If you are an entrepreneur or investor, you can use your influence to change the world.

If you are also driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God — then you are not only called by God for specific business assignments, you are anointed by God for business.

You are led by the...

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Laser Focused Productivity Aug 19, 2022

When I am most productive — I am extremely laser focused.

I have taken the time to prioritize projects, and then tackle them one by one.

Each week I prioritize my projects and then work through them one by one. At the end of each week I evaluate what got done and what didn't.

Laser Focused...

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We all have three images of identity. Aug 15, 2022

If your fear and insecurity are tied to your Identity ...
Along with your courage and confidence ... you're headed for a crisis.

We all have three images of identity.
But two of them are false.

#1 - Projected Image - How you want others to see you
#2 - Perceived Image - How others see you
#3 - Actual...

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