How often do you realign your personal and business goals?

Oct 09, 2022

How often do you realign your personal and business goals?

- For as long as I can remember, I make Q4 of every year a reset.
- I get to re-define and re-design my version of success ...

I take a pause to ...

1. reset
2. realign

... my personal and business goals.

From my view, everything is possible in life. I get to decide the kind of life I want for my family and I (my circumstances are irrelevant, only scenery along the journey) then carve out an entrepreneurial strategy around my calling — to have the kind of life God says I can have.

My foundation is built on these two beliefs:

- Unless God builds my house, I will labor in vain.
- I will eat the fruit of my labor.

So every year I create a one-page document with my personal dreams/goals and another one-pager for my entrepreneurial ventures.

1. Vision: personal and business goal alignment.
2. Priority: priorities reset.
3. Planning: planning redone.
4. Execution: immediate execution.

If your personal and business goals feel disconnected, perhaps it's an opportunity to reset and realign.


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