Iconic Entrepreneurs Have This.

Oct 04, 2022

Iconic entrepreneurs and investors have this in common.

- It's why they co-create together.
- What is it?

They have a forward-thinking sixth sense to see and invest in movements positioned to disrupt an entire industry.

They represent a tiny fraction of entrepreneurs.

But when Kingdom entrepreneurs and investors co-create with God, they are equipped with something more powerful.

The power to tap into God's wisdom to see what very few can see. They can tap into supernatural foresight, insight, oversight and hindsight.

A supernatural wisdom and ability fueled by the Holy Spirit.

- They can see and leverage opportunities no one else can see.
- They can ask God for anything and He promises to do it.

There is a new breed of entrepreneurs and investors who are driven by ...

- Faith in God
- Faith in the Bible
- God assignments
- The Kingdom of God

They are a dynamic force changing the world with supernatural power and authority.

They are co-laboring for Kingdom causes. God is mobilizing Kingdom capital into these Kingdom causes.

This is what it's like to operate entrepreneurially in the Kingdom of God.


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