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Why Startups Fail. Oct 05, 2022

Startup founders and investors are optimistic.

- Yet, 90% fail.

- WHY?

Most often they have confused optimism with wishful thinking.

Wishful thinking is a set of assumptions that have not been fully vetted.

It's a build it and they will come mentality.

The problem: they don't.

Look, investing your time,...

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Iconic Entrepreneurs Have This. Oct 04, 2022

Iconic entrepreneurs and investors have this in common.

- It's why they co-create together.
- What is it?

They have a forward-thinking sixth sense to see and invest in movements positioned to disrupt an entire industry.

They represent a tiny fraction of entrepreneurs.

But when Kingdom entrepreneurs...

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This will make or break you. Oct 03, 2022

An aerial view of your past, present and future will make or break you.

An aerial view of your life is a God-view of your past, present and future. Without it, you'll have a hard time connecting the dots leading to the future God has planned out for you.

His plans stand forever. The calling on your...

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Are you in it ā€” to win it? Oct 02, 2022

There are only 3 types of people in this world ... but only 1 type gets the prize. Which are you?

1. Those who make things happen.
2. Those who watch things happen.
3. Those who say — what happened?

1 Corinthians 9:24 - Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the...

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Every Iconic Entrepreneur Has a Playbook Sep 28, 2022

Every iconic entrepreneur I know has a playbook — a thesis for scaling a startup into a high-growth venture.

Their playbook is their secret sauce and they bring into every venture they are invested into.

It gives them an unfair advantage, every-time.

It allows them to ruthlessly...

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Are You Prepared? Sep 26, 2022

There is a huge difference between ...

- preparing to prosper
- and being-prepared to prosper

Being prepared means you-are-ready.

Preparing means you are trying-to-get-ready ... but not yet ready.

When it comes to your business dreams and goals, which are you?

- A new soldier preparing for battle?
- A...

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Where God Refines You. Sep 25, 2022

Someplace between your God-planted dreams and your destiny is a refinement process called "the fire".

It's hot, but there's a great reward for not quitting God's process of refinement. 

Take a look ...

Psalm 66:10-12 NIV - For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into...

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As the Ekklesia ā€” You Have Power. Sep 22, 2022

If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are a marketplace minister. Period. Jesus referred to us, His church (the people) as His Ekklesia. The marketplace is your pulpit.

The word Ekklesia is the body of Christ assembled to conduct government business. Kingdom business.

It's the greek word Jesus...

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Partnering With God In The Marketplace Sep 21, 2022

What does it mean to partner with God in the marketplace?

Since most of us will work 100,000 hours of our lives in the marketplace, what a privilege to actually do something that matters, something with purpose.

An actual assignment from our Creator. A calling with an anointing from God.


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Manure For Your Growth Sep 21, 2022

I'd like to dissect this reality as a Kingdom entrepreneur ... Failure.

It's inevitable, painful, and manure for your growth.

Success is failure turned inside out. And every entrepreneur who has experienced much success understands this intimately. 

Failure is part of the path to success, it's...

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Your identity is found in who God says you are. Sep 20, 2022

When you have someone that doesn’t know who they are, everything they do will be an effort to try to make themselves into something — to create their own identity.

One of the most important revelations we can get from the Word of God is to understand who we are in Christ.


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I'm sorry to inform you ... Size Matters. Sep 19, 2022

You’ve been lied to about this.

Despite what you’ve been told, the size of your dinky little … PAYCHECK matters!

Whether you're an entrepreneur or an employee, what you actually get paid matters.

The size of your paycheck determines ...

- where you live
- how you live
- where...

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