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My Story: I’m a 6x Serial Entrepreneur.

Dec 05, 2022

I knew from a young age I wanted to become a business owner.

But I had no credentials or mentorship. No one to show me how.

My earthly father was a drunk. My heavenly Father was distant.

I had dreams of a better life but no path to get there.

My friends were from successful families, I was from a poor unsuccessful family. Always an outsider looking in.

My first job was in sales at a staffing company.

I had to make 50 cold calls a day prospecting for new clients. I hated making those dreadful cold calls. Though I got good at them, I knew there was a better way to land a customer.

So I decided to start a business, a staffing service, and develop a more efficient system to land clients. I was only 23, young and dumb. But I was smart enough to ask God to teach me. He did.

It turns out, I got really good at building revenue models and customer acquisition systems. That year I opened up two more offices.

Since then, I’ve spent my life building a portfolio of fast-growing companies for myself and my partners.

- A Microsoft tech certification training company. (Business Journal Top 25)

- The first and largest software coding bootcamp in America, we invented “learn to code”. (INC 500 & Deloitte Technology Fast 50 awards)

- A lead generation marketing intelligence company to Big Tech (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft service providers)

- A venture studio and turnaround firm. (Multiple INC 500 awards)

In 2016, God called me to Cana.

Cana is the location in the Bible where Jesus performed His first miracle — transforming ordinary water into iconic wine.

CanaGlobal is a Kingdom ecosystem where investors and founders co-create to build iconic startups.

We were birthed out of a faith and freedom movement to transform the marketplace with the Kingdom of God.

Today we are mobilizing Godly wisdom, startup expertise, and capital into disruptive ventures and their maverick founders.

We are unleashing the resources of God, at scale.

I am in my 32nd year of marriage to beautiful Leslie. We have two sons, Brandon, a marketing technology manager, and Alec, who went to live with Jesus at age 10. Our family resides in Phoenix, AZ.

- Gerald

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