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The best learners were struggling. May 12, 2023

I see a pattern in faith-driven founders where the best learners were struggling.

And God did His best work in them through the struggle.

Most found themselves struggling between life seasons.

They were leaving one chapter behind and moving into the next.


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Your invitation to co-create with God. May 11, 2023

We made the INC 500.

And then God did this.

He invited me to partner with Him.

I said yes.

This was the first time one of my ventures made the list of the fastest growing companies in America. At the time I was co-founder and a pioneer in the software coding camp industry (learn to code).

While I...

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If you don't get funded, what then? May 10, 2023

I often ask founders who are seeking VC for their plan should they not get funded.

I get a blank stare.

They've been brainwashed into believing that without funding they cannot succeed.

Total BS.

Their Plan A - Get Funded
Their Plan B - Grow Revenues and Profitability

(this is reversed)

Plan A is...

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About lies, and the liars. May 09, 2023

This post is about lies, and the liars.

In business, politics and religion — there are plenty of lies.

And when a person believes a lie, they are blinded from the truth.

They cannot defend the lie because there is no truth in it.

They are actually offended by the truth.


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Life's success formula that NEVER fails. May 08, 2023

Here's life's success formula that NEVER fails.

For anyone seeking truth and wisdom.

It’s found in Jeremiah 17:7-8

- But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord

- Whose confidence is in him

- They will be like a tree planted by the water

- That sends out its roots by the stream

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What's behind 99% of entrepreneurial failure? May 05, 2023

This proverb explains what's behind 99% of entrepreneurial failure.

So don't do this.

Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing. (Proverbs 20:4 )

- In 1790, 90% of Americans were farmers, just like most ancient Israelites were.


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Your very best thinking is producing your present results. May 04, 2023

Your very best thinking is producing your present results.

And that's whether or not your results are good or bad.

Your present thinking shapes all that you do.

What you are presently doing shapes your results.

If you like your results, keep doing the same thing.

If you don't like your present results...

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Don't be a Wannapreneur. May 03, 2023

There are 3 types of founders:

- Solopreneurs
- Entrepreneurs
- Wannapreneurs

The main difference between the solopreneur and the entrepreneur is usually revenue.

Many founders begin solo, but as revenue nears 1M, most begin building a team to scale.

>> Now let’s talk about the...

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When you pursue God's Plan A, there is no Plan B. May 02, 2023

When I'm creating an entirely new marketplace, there are few cheerleaders.

All disrupters can expect the same treatment IF you're slightly early ... on purpose.

When I begin to disrupt an industry, the so-called industry elites will think I'm chasing an impossible pipe dream.

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You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. May 01, 2023

You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.

Don’t ever start a company unless you’re totally focused on one totally disruptive idea.

For me, my focus has been centered around eradicating the high failure rate with startups.

Why do we accept a 90% failure rate? I...

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If you’re not being called crazy, you’re not thinking big enough. Apr 28, 2023

If you’re not being called crazy, you’re not thinking big enough.

God-sized ideas always seem impossible at first. They’re not realistic.

Your critics will remind you of this.

And without God’s favor, they are right.

But because of God’s...

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Who really picks the winners? Apr 27, 2023

Hey Maverick Founders —

The Elite VC (both Secular & Christian VC) like to think they get to choose the winners and the losers. How arrogant!

But the winners they choose aren’t winning. They're whining!

If you are a faith driven founder, it’s God who picks the...

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