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Do you ever feel like God's punishing you? Oct 26, 2021

Do you ever feel like God's punishing you?

Perhaps you're struggling with your finances (career or business), health, relationships, purpose, or faith. And you're getting really tired of waiting on God?

I get it, we've all been there.

I call that being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Yup,...

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Connecting the dots between your purpose and your promised prosperity Oct 20, 2021

If you are struggling with the idea that God has an actual plan and purpose for your life ... and that He promises to prosper you, read on.

Allow me to connect some dots between your purpose, His great commission for all of His disciples (that's you), and His biblical promises for...

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There are two types of believers Sep 29, 2021

There are two types of believers. Those who know why they are on the planet, and those who don't.

While almost all Christians believe God has a plan and purpose for our lives, few can tell you what it is. 80% can't.

And that's why 70% of the workforce loathes (hates) what they do. They lack...

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Kingdom Justice vs. Woke Social Justice Sep 28, 2021

Kingdom Justice vs. Woke Social Justice.

(Make no mistake, one loves God and the other hates God.)

Growing up as a Hispanic kid in a lower-middle-class neighborhood, life was always a struggle. A manufactured struggle between the haves and the have-nots.

It was like playing monopoly, but by the...

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Hung by your tongue Sep 23, 2021

If you say so!

You are speaking your future, good or bad, whether you know it or not.

Proverbs 18:21AMP - Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

- I'll never get out of debt
- I'll never get my...

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There's no such thing as GET-RICH-QUICK Sep 21, 2021

Hey New Entrepreneurs ... there's no such thing as GET-RICH-QUICK. Run from anyone, especially a coach, who promises such fantasies.

If you're like me, you've seen ads on FB and Linkedin from coaches promising "6 & 7 Figures" if you take their courses or launch their funnels. It reminds me of...

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Pregnant with a dream ā€” but can't seem to deliver the baby? Sep 20, 2021

How many of you are pregnant with a God-planted dream — but you can't seem to deliver the baby?

The same thing happened to Hannah in the Bible. (1 Samuel 1)

She had a dream of having a son. But the scriptures say God actually closed her womb. (1 Samuel 1:6)

Every day I meet innovators at...

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(Video) - What In The World Is Going On? Sep 16, 2021

What In The World Is Going On?

Globalism, big tech censorship, fake news, cancel culture, the politicization of covid, vaccine mandates and passports, church shutdowns, riots and protest, CRT, division by politics, race, gender, and identity. Much of the globe, including America, has been...

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If you're not WOKE, will you still be able to work? Sep 01, 2021

If you're not WOKE, will you still be able to work?

Many of you are asking this question, silently. You're seeing your freedoms rapidly eroding, and you're not sure what to make of it or what to do about it.

+ cancel culture
+ crt and division by race
+ the politicization of covid, red vs blue
+ covid...

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These 20 Biblical Promises From God Change Everything Aug 20, 2021

Twenty Biblical Promises

Here's a list of twenty biblical promises. Take a look through each one. Meditate on them. Envision them alive in your life. If you will believe them, and receive them by faith ... ALL THINGS WILL BECOME POSSIBLE FOR YOU!

  1. “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His...
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Learn Diligence and Prosper Aug 17, 2021

Learn diligence and prosper!

Diligence produces know-how. And know-how is what you'll need to live out your calling, achieving your dreams and goals.

People without diligence tend to have a lack of urgency, along with a lack of dedication.

Many dreamchasers miss this diligence, they live on hope...

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