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Tests, trials & (career) setbacks, and how they set the stage for your story. Jul 05, 2021

Tests, trials & (career) setbacks, and how they set the stage for your story.

God is the creator of everything. Including your story.

He literally wrote the screenplay of your life.

Like any great story, it contains many elements.

+ Careful casting
+ Dreams and goals
+ A villain
+ Insurmountable...

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As a believer, everything is possible for you, IF ... Jul 01, 2021

As a believer, everything is possible for you, IF ... you actually believe.

Believe what?

Let me try to explain.

- The other day I read a research statistic that stated only 6% of believers have a biblical worldview.

In my early years, I viewed the Bible as a book of rules. Stuff you're not...

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Start getting paid. Really well! Jun 26, 2021
Start getting paid. Really well!
But how?
I have found that when one pursues their marketplace calling (purpose), what God created them to do, rewards follow.
The marketplace is where all of us will invest over 100,000 hours working.
Why not do something that...
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Be Prosperous and Successful. Jun 26, 2021

Be Prosperous and Successful.

This statement has produced the strangest disclaimers from people who have yet to discover — what will actually make them happy.

If I say "my life goal is to be prosperous and successful", I will inevitably get some negative comments about making too much...

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Dream Job. Dream Income. Still Possible? Jun 24, 2021

Dream Job. Dream Income.

Is this still possible?

It always has been ... and still is.

Yet — 70 percent of the U.S. workforce loathe (HATE) their jobs. They only keep them to pay the bills. That's messed up!

You were created by God to have a dream job with a dream income. It's called YOUR...

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Can you imagine life without DOUBT? Jun 05, 2021

Most of the CanaGlobal business community discovered us during a season of waiting on God. And most who find themselves waiting, are battling doubts about reaching their full destiny, on a daily basis.

I'd say 80-90% have found themselves in dry-bones season, someplace between...

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From hurry up and wait ā€” to GODSPEED May 10, 2021

Sick and Tired

Have you grown tired of waiting on God to make good on His many biblical promises to you? Welcome to the club.

At times we all become weary, or as they say, sick and tired of being sick and tired. (that's some old school)

We already know waiting is just part...

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Tired of waiting on God? Then do this. May 04, 2021

Are you becoming WEARY in waiting on God?

So let's see how this works ...

God puts a dream in your heart, an assignment to do something amazing, for Him. His idea.

Maybe to launch a business or ministry. After your due diligence, by faith, you pursue this God-planted adventure.

But then you run...

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The Desert, Rattlesnakes & Who-2-Who Praise May 04, 2021

Praise always precedes a breakthrough. That said, many are praising God to get their breakthrough, unaware of what they are praising Him for.

They are trying to butter Him up to get something. Many who are praising God are actually miserable.

When you explore Who-2-Who praise, you'll actually...

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Let His Plan Be My Plan (Part 3 of 3) Apr 26, 2021

Waiting for God to open doors for you? Take your focus off you (what you want), instead focus on God who is living inside you, ask Him what He wants. When His plan becomes your plan, you will be walking in God's perfect will for your life. Doors will open and you will walk into God's promises for...

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Closed doors? Focus on your WHO, then your what. (Part 2 of 3) Apr 21, 2021

As we are waiting on God to open doors for us, for Him to deliver on His biblical promises, instead of focusing on getting what we want from Him, begin to focus on who He says we are (our identity) and then what He wants us to do when He finally opens the door that no one can shut.

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Why did God close the door on you? (Part 1 of 3) Apr 20, 2021

Why has God closed the door to your God-Planted dreams? It's not what you think!

There is a pattern throughout the Bible and into the present day God is repeating. If you've been feeling like all the doors to your destiny are getting closed, you are actually much close than you think.

Are you...

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