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Sometimes my plans totally bomb. Sep 05, 2023

Sometimes my plans totally bomb.

My annual CEO conference in Las Vegas is always a sell out. 100% full at $1495 a seat.

But I grew tired of bringing the whole crew out to Las Vegas and we decided to host it locally at the Ritz Carlton.

But as it turns out, my home turf is no Las Vegas.

A few days...

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If youā€™re not being called crazy, youā€™re not thinking big enough. Sep 02, 2023

If you’re not being called crazy, you’re not thinking big enough.

God-sized ideas always seem impossible at first. They’re not realistic.

Your critics will remind you of this.

And without God’s favor, they are right.

But because of God’s...

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There are two ways to wait on God. Aug 30, 2023

There are two ways to wait on God.

Both require patience and faith. But you must know the difference between the two ways of waiting.

Here’s how it works with me for my business and personal life.

I make a request to God, like for a RevOps strategy to produce certain results....

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Do you feel like you missed the bus? Aug 29, 2023

When a business idea comes from God, the following will become true for you.

He will use you and your business as a ministry to the marketplace. The marketplace will become your pulpit.

Fact: There's about a billion people on LinkedIn alone. Start someplace. Start here.


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Would you pray this prayer? Aug 28, 2023

Would you pray this prayer? Too selfish?

If you haven’t read the prayer of Jabez, it’s located in 1 Chronicles 4:10. This chapter is a who’s who in the zoo lineage, pretty boring and easy to skip through.

But smack in the middle of it it reads …

Jabez cried out...

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How big is too BIG? Aug 27, 2023

About setting your revenue goals, the question is, how big is too BIG?

When you become a follower of Jesus Christ, this biblical promise should change how you set goals.

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you....

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5 predictable stages in hitting your revenue goals. Aug 26, 2023

As I begin my 40th year as a faith-driven entrepreneur, I’m committed to share all that I’ve learned.

There are 5 predictable stages when it comes to hitting your revenue goals.

If you are climbing the entrepreneurial mountain, most founders will go...

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Weā€™re all on a journey. Aug 24, 2023

Welcome to your future.

As investors/founders who are full of faith and spirit-filled, we’re all on a journey to a proverbial Jericho, a dream God has planted in our hearts.

Those not faith driven or spirit-filled are warmly welcomed. Come with us.

We all began with...

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There are two gospels in Christianity. Aug 22, 2023

There are two gospels in Christianity.

- Low-expectation gospel
- High-expectation gospel

The one who hears the Word of God and believes, and then takes action that mirrors his belief, builds a solid foundation that will withstand every life-storm. This is...

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Why you are not generating your desired business results. Aug 22, 2023

There is one reason why you are not generating your desired business results.

You don’t know how.

If you knew how, you’d have different results.

All iconic entrepreneurs (including me) have learned this, mostly the hard way.

If you reject this logic, it’s at your...

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Praying for God to do something for you? Aug 20, 2023

To those of you praying for God to do something for you.

Everything God is ever going to do for you has already been done.

What? Doesn’t God see your need?

Yes He does. So let me say it again. Everything God is ever going to do for you has already been done. It has been finished...

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OMG, weā€™re running out of runway. Aug 19, 2023

Startup Founder: OMG, we’re running out of runway.

God: You’re a Cessna not a Boeing 747.

God: Take off and sell something!

If you feel like your startup is running out of runway, remember - you're a small, nimble craft, not a large, slow-moving airliner.


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