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You Are Anointed by God for Business Aug 19, 2022

If you are an entrepreneur or investor, you can use your influence to change the world.

If you are also driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God — then you are not only called by God for specific business assignments, you are anointed by God for business.

You are led by the...

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Laser Focused Productivity Aug 19, 2022

When I am most productive — I am extremely laser focused.

I have taken the time to prioritize projects, and then tackle them one by one.

Each week I prioritize my projects and then work through them one by one. At the end of each week I evaluate what got done and what didn't.

Laser Focused...

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We all have three images of identity. Aug 15, 2022

If your fear and insecurity are tied to your Identity ...
Along with your courage and confidence ... you're headed for a crisis.

We all have three images of identity.
But two of them are false.

#1 - Projected Image - How you want others to see you
#2 - Perceived Image - How others see you
#3 - Actual...

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(8 min video) Thrive in this New Season Aug 14, 2022

(8 Min Video) Before you can thrive in this new life season, you'll have to reconcile your past season of difficulty. You need to reset your identity from one set by your circumstances — to one set by God.

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The CanaGlobal Network Vision Video Aug 10, 2022

Equipping a Patriot Army of Activist Entrepreneurs Driven by Faith, Purpose, Freedom and The Kingdom of God Into City Hubs Across the Globe.

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(12 min video) The Desert, Rattlesnakes, and Who-2-Who Praise. Aug 07, 2022

(12 min video) The Desert, Rattlesnakes, and Who-2-Who Praise.

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You are wired to spot problems to solve. Aug 03, 2022

If you are an entrepreneur, you are wired to spot problems to solve.

If you are a Kingdom entrepreneur you are wired supernaturally and empowered to spot and solve problems.

Every entrepreneur who is driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God is anointed to do this.

Over the past...

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Stay focused on your calling. Aug 03, 2022

Anytime you pursue your calling, an assignment from God, you will encounter enemy fire, from both friends and foes.

>> Enemy Fire:

This is from satan, it's designed to kill, steal and destroy. You have a delegated power and authority from Jesus, both defensive and offensive weapons at your...

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The perfect roadmap for taking territory for the Kingdom. Aug 03, 2022

If you are an investor or entrepreneur who is driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God — Joshua 1 provides the perfect roadmap for taking territory for the Kingdom.

1. Meditate on the Word day and night.

2. Be strong and courageous.

3. Do not be allow yourself to be...

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(Video) It's time leave your desert season. Aug 03, 2022

It's time leave your desert season. You've been set free.

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We all have a box of beliefs ... Aug 03, 2022

We all have a box of beliefs ...

- about business, purpose, success, faith, etc...
- about things we believe to be true.

In just the area of Christianity, there are over 21,000 different camps. The never-this or never-that camps.

Same thing with politics, science, culture wars, etc ...

So if you...

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Never allow degrading self-talk. Aug 03, 2022

Never allow degrading self-talk. Never insult yourself attempting to be humble. Instead you are insulting God and His creation — YOU.

If you are a Christ-Follower, you have been made in the image of God. You are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.

Don't insult the creator who...

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