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About Your Thinking ... Jul 11, 2022

Your very best thinking is producing your present results. And that's whether or not your results are good or bad.

Your present thinking shapes all that you do.

What you are presently doing shapes your results.

If you like your results, keep doing the same thing.

If you don't like your present...

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Are You Woke or Awaken? Jul 11, 2022

We are equipping a Patriot Army of Activist Entrepreneurs.

They are driven by Faith, Purpose, Freedom and the Kingdom of God.

They are the remnant of this Greater Awakening.

Throughout history when the children of God fell asleep, unaware what the enemy was doing on their watch, putting their...

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(Video) Doubt vs Faith Jul 10, 2022

Never buy into the idea that fear is somehow healthy. Fear is just having faith in your demise. So then, fear tolerated is faith contaminated. This video is 8 minutes of my thoughts on doubt vs faith.

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It's hard for us to imagine Jesus as an entrepreneur. Jul 05, 2022

It's hard for us to imagine Jesus as an entrepreneur, but in His time it was hard for many to see Him as something more than one.

People who grew up with Jesus saw Him as a tekton (greek for artificer, craftsman). Both Jesus and His father were highly skilled craftsmen — artisans.

They were...

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The Secret to Know-How Jun 30, 2022

Launching, growing or turning-around a stalled venture — you either KNOW HOW or you don't. Here's where my know-how comes from.

Many of my business growth and turnaround clients say I am clairvoyant. Because in business I seem to have supernatural foresight, insight, oversight and...

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Two questions that can frame your future. Jun 29, 2022

Answering these two questions (every single year) has framed the path to my future over the past 37 years as a serial entrepreneur.

Every year as I build new plans to achieve the assignments God has laid before me, I ask myself these two questions that pertain to my personal, family and business...

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A reminder to those who dismiss the power of the Holy Spirit. Jun 29, 2022

Acts 7:51 AMP “You stiff-necked and stubborn people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are always actively resisting the Holy Spirit. You are doing just as your fathers did.

I love this rebuke. A great reminder to those who dismiss the gifts, power and authority of the Holy Spirit who...

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Don't Reject It. Jun 28, 2022

I am a believer in God's prosperity, not man's religion of social justice. I don't look to man for my prosperity; I look to God, my provider.

If you are looking for an opinion on what God says about prosperity, you can find one that will match whatever it is you want to believe.

Some Christians...

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He Has A Plan. Jun 28, 2022

Philippians 4:12 AMP - I know how to get along and live humbly [in difficult times], and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret [of facing life], whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in...

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Who is your provider? Your employer? Your business? Your clients? You? Jun 27, 2022

Who is your provider? Your employer? Your business? Your clients? You? — or God?

This is something you'll have to settle in your heart. It's really a choice. Once it's settled, assuming you chose God, provision is a matter of faith.

Faith in God. Faith in His biblical promises.

Many years...

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This changes everything about scarcity and abundance. Jun 27, 2022

Matthew 6:30-33 MSG - “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so...

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