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It's a Birthing Canal. Jan 06, 2023

The storm you are facing isn't what you think!

It's a birthing canal.

And the winds of the storm will position perfectly for what God has planned.

- But you'll never make it though by sight.
- You'll have to make it through by faith.

Your unbelief must go.

Trust totally in God's how and His when.


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Is your future BESPOKE? Jan 05, 2023

Is your future BESPOKE?

Mine is, and yours can be too!

EVERY year I take the time to ASK and ANSWER what I want out of life.

It's bespoke to my desires. Custom fit.

I decide what I want.

My wife Leslie and I ask ourselves these two questions EVERY year.

#1 - IF I had a magic wand, WHAT would I change...

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Founders who struggle with Work/Life balance ā€” struggle with this. Jan 04, 2023

99% of entrepreneurs who struggle with Work/Life Balance — struggle with this.

They don't manage their project schedules very well.

If you struggle with this, do what I do.

#1 - Make a list of the major projects you want to accomplish in 2023.

#2 - Prioritize them. (I have a list of 7...

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When to SHIP IT and when to PERFECT IT. Jan 03, 2023

You gotta know when to SHIP IT and when to PERFECT IT.

And understand the difference between the two.

Anytime I'm planning a new project, product or service, I invest much time creating it around customer experience goals.

These two processes help us get there.

- Lean Business Canvas
- Brand...

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When We Can't and He Won't. Jan 02, 2023

 Without God — We Can't
Without Us — He Won't

Whether you know it or not, if you are a Faith Driven Founder, you are a marketplace minister with the marketplace being your pulpit.

YOU were created to co-create with God.

The Kingdom of God has come to your business, and the gates of...

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Here's Your Unfair Advantage. Dec 30, 2022

Faith Driven Founders were created to solve the BIG problems of this world.

Here's your unfair advantage.

- You have the Holy Spirit living inside you
- He promises to teach you everything you need to know
- You have the SAME power and authority as Jesus
- You can destroy the works of satan
- God will...

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Don't do this in 2023. Dec 29, 2022

Faith Driven Founders: When it comes to getting funded or reaching your revenue goals — don't do this in 2023.

Don't mistake being hopeful or wishful thinking, as a strategy.

Achieving your goals will require a faith that receives, plus corresponding action.

This coming year, GO...

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A New Breed of Kingdom Investors Has Emerged. Dec 28, 2022

Over the past two years a new breed of Kingdom Investors has emerged.

They are motivated by faith and freedom.

And they demand Kingdom impact from founders.

100% are Founding CEOs, who are themselves at the helm of super-successful ventures.

They are also mega donors for Kingdom Causes.

And they...

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Jesus paid the price for you to succeed! Dec 27, 2022

To Faith Driven Founders: Jesus already paid the price for you to succeed.

But here's the part you have to finish.

Our Creator, God, always co-creates with mankind.

He makes the trees — we build the chairs.
He makes the wheat — we make the cakes.

But you have to do YOUR PART if you...

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As a Faith Driven Founder, this will happen to you. Dec 26, 2022

When you embrace your CALLING as a Faith Driven Founder, this will happen to you.

God will use YOU and your VENTURE to transform your community AND the world.

How? What you do and how you do it will allow you to ...

- Win souls
- Equip others
- Transform nations

So far satan has been winning this race....

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Build and Fight Simultaneously. Dec 23, 2022

If you are going to build an iconic venture, you'll have to learn how to build and fight simultaneously. I love this story ... The story of Nehemiah.

He saw a problem. The wall of Jerusalem was compromised. In a state of disrepair.

He saw a solution. He had an irrational desire to see it...

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When the Entrepreneurial Mountain Gets Foggy. Dec 22, 2022

We all get to a place as entrepreneurs where the path up the entrepreneurial mountain gets foggy.

We get to a place where we get a bit lost, unsure about the path to take forward.

As Christ followers, God makes this promise to us in Proverbs 3:5-6.

- Trust in the Lord with all your heart
- Lean not...

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