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Every few months I start over.

Mar 11, 2024

Every few months I start over. It’s become part of my entrepreneurial secret sauce.

What do I mean? I take a few days to pause and reassess:

- my long vision
- my short vision
- my projects
- my priorities
- my path
- my relationships

I take everything that I’m doing, all my activities, actions and to-do list — and stop everything.

>> just for a few days. smoke a cigar or two. sip on some great scotch/bourbon/whiskey (juice)

I do a complete reset, make any corrections and/or pivots, and then press start.

It’s like rebooting your mac, but I’m rebooting my mind. The fog clears up completely and I’m back in it to win it.

Something else. 

I rededicate my life to Christ. Don’t get me wrong, those of you who know me know I’m already all in. But I ask God to let me go deeper. I fine tune. 

I’m always working on multiple ventures, doing the impossible, things that have the word billion in our goals, I don’t have room for unbelief. So I clean house. If I find anything contrary to the Word of God, I evict it from the premises. 

Do yourself a favor, if you are working on big things, things from God … take a short break, do a reboot and then come back ready to win.

Always be in it to win it.


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