Success Expectation & Success Acceleration
May 18, 2023
My Success Expectation always precedes My Success Acceleration.
Let me say it another way, I walk entirely by faith, not sight.
As an investor/entrepreneur, this is my state-of-success.
When I plant something by faith, God always grows it.
For me, the big dream is always an assignment from God.
In the beginning I rarely have the right connections or know the right people to accomplish the big dream.
I rarely have the right resources to move forward.
I love this word “nevertheless”.
But nevertheless, God has a billion and one ways to move me into acceleration when my expectations are right.
It’s always according to my faith.
I plant and invest in oak trees based on this promise of Ephesians 3:20.
It’s the soil I plant my seed into.
- Now to Him who is able to carry out His purpose
- And do superabundantly
- More than all that we dare ask or think
- Infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams
- According to His power that is at work within us
How can I be so sure? Because no Word from God will ever fail. I am blessed because I believe God will fulfill His promises to me.
God always turns my water into wine.
I know you have big dreams too.
- So believe BIG.
- Pray BIG.
- Expect Big.
Then take expectant action. Watch God accelerate what you plant.
Remember, when it’s His plan, it will NEVER fail.
It’s wonderful to co-labor with the Almighty, El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough.