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Get any entrepreneurial question answered.

Nov 08, 2023

Get any entrepreneurial question answered, what's your Top 3

How? Not AI, but SI. 

- Like how would you reach your first 1M, 10M or 100M in revenue? 

- Or how will you raise a 5M series A round? 

Here's what I do. Every morning my first meeting of the day is with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (AKA The Committee).

We discuss:

- The great commission - making disciples of people and nations.

- Everything CanaGlobal, it's a family business, God's business.

- My business dreams and goals.

- My personal dreams and goals.

- Prayer for my family, friends and business partners/associates.

To get answers, I start by asking the right questions. I write these down in my journal. And then I bring the questions to my morning meeting.

Why do I do this? Because God promises to provide me with the answers. Where? James 1:5 and Matt 7:7 are a good start. (there are many more)

Imagine, whatever you need to know, just come up with the questions.

This is SI (spiritual intelligence).

What question should you be taking to Him today? 


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