History repeats itself with Christian entrepreneurs.
Nov 05, 2023
History repeats itself.
Especially with Christian entrepreneurs.
Thought: Jesus' first disciples were entrepreneurs, not ministers.
Allow me to connect some dots > >> >>>
> The fact that Israel was delivered from Egypt was not a guarantee they would claim their inheritance.
> The fact that we Christians were delivered (born-again) through Jesus Christ is not a guarantee we will live Jesus's intended abundant life here on earth.
>> Because of unbelief, a whole generation of Jews failed to enter into what God made available to them.
>> Same thing happening to us.
>>> The promises of God didn't do Israel any good, because of their "unbelief" they failed to receive the promises by faith.
>>> Same for us.
Unbelief will rob you of everything God had planned for your life.
Faith-driven founders, take note. History is still repeating itself. Evict unbelief from your life. What's unbelief? Every thought and action you take contrary to the Word of God.
Unbelief must go. It's rooted in lies from the Father of lies. It's having more faith in satan's words than the Word of God.
nuff said ...