This robs you of your dreams & goals.
Feb 08, 2023
There are 3 types of unbelief that will rob you of ALL your dreams and goals.
Never forget what Jesus said in John 10:10 ...
- The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.
- I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
Unbelief is fermented in your thought process. Thoughts gone wild!
Here are the 3 types of unbelief.
#1 - Ignorance
When you just didn't know. Like maybe you just didn't know, or weren't really sure that it is God's will to prosper you in every area of your life. And then as you begin to read the Word for yourself and see the promises throughout, you receive this new revelation and the ignorance is gone. This is the easiest type of unbelief to get rid of.
#2 - Disbelief
This is when you were taught wrong about something. Like when I grew up in church, our pastor equated the love of money with the desire to becomes successful or prosperous. This was a prevalent teaching in the church. This type of unbelief is only removed by spending much time studying the Word, and being in prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to renew our minds. Disbelief is rooted in man-made religious tradition.
#3 - Natural
This type of unbelief comes from walking by sight, not faith. Like when you receive something by faith, but in the natural everything is unchanged. What has happened in the spiritual, has not manifested in the natural.
All 3 types of unbelief will rob you of your dreams and goals. Unbelief is designed to contaminate your faith, rendering it ineffective to receive from God.
How can you rid yourself of unbelief? Simple. Immerse yourself in the Word of God. Meditate on it day and night. Then you will become successful and prosperous in all that you do.
The impossible will become possible for you.
Need some help in this area?
Do you want the faith that can move mountains, to remove unbelief from your life? I have a free video series called "Develop The Faith To Move Mountains", it's available at our E/School. Just click on E/School.