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The startup ecosystem is broken.

Jun 04, 2024

The startup ecosystem is broken.

Just look at the numbers.

90% of startups fail.

If you think getting funded will solve your problems, think again, the numbers say otherwise.

First, less than 0.05% of startups seeking funding — get it.

But for those who do, 70% still fail.

That's broken. Getting lucky isn't a strategy.

- I've been in the startup space for 40 years. 
- I've been in the venture studio/mentor space for 22 years.

I'm qualified to have this opinion. Most of the failure was preventable.

Despite temporary setbacks, the winners keep on winning.


I've never seen anyone fail who had a strong focus on these four areas.

#1 - Faith: 

You must believe. If you tolerate doubt, fear and worry, it will contaminate your faith. You can decide what you want to have faith in, but you must have it.

#2 - Purpose: 

Founders who have purpose believe deeply they were put on the planet to make a huge difference. To do things that matter. That alone should kill 80% of the bad ideas, the solution/app no one wants or needs.

#3 - RevOps:

- the ability to take a flawed idea/model and make it viable
- the ability to create a brand that becomes a movement
- the ability to drive traffic (demand generation)
- the ability to convert traffic into leads 
- the ability to convert leads into customers (pipeline performance)

#4 - VC readiness:

** To become what investors are looking for, and then attract them to you.

The founders who make these four ingredients their constant focus, win.

Whatever we focus on, we magnify. 

I see these four traits in the audacious few who win, in both the bootstrappers, and the VC backed startups. 

To do better. We must Do better.


Need help? Reach out.  

- Gerald 

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