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The Secret: TDR

May 21, 2024

After failing for 11 months, I started selling 1 million a month. Here's what changed. 

First, the answer was right in front of me the whole time. I could have done it day one, but I was solution-blind. 

I couldn't see the solution even though it was right in front of me the whole time. 

I had stinkin' thinkin'. 

Considering 90% of entrepreneurs are dying a slow death, there's a good chance you're experiencing this right now. 

You're not reading this by accident. If you've been praying for an answer, consider this divine providence 

It's easy to get disillusioned when what you're doing isn't working. You already know this, but ... it's not going to get better until something radically changes. 

The change starts with the way you think. (100% of the time)  

- Your Thinking: we all have a way of thinking, good or bad. 

- Your Doing: our thinking controls our doing, good or bad. 

- Your Results: our doing controls our results, good or bad.  

If you want to change your results, you have to be willing to radically change your thinking. 

We call this TDR (Think. Do. Results.). It's gotta change. 

As entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to double-down on a bad strategy. I'm not sure why we do this, but we all do it

I'm not sure why it took me 11 months, but it did. 

The answer to landing more customers is always right in front of you. I call this cracking-the-code. Your RevOps (marketing and sales) playbook is broken. 

Your go-to-market strategy is flawed. If what you are doing isn't working, stop!  

>> Stop doing what clearly isn't working. If you want to see change, first you have to admit that what you are presently doing clearly isn't working. 

Change your RevOps TDR. 

And at some point, we just say, that's enough. I'm done with not prospering. The pain of our lack of results creates a hunger for the solution. 

The solution is always right in front of us. We just can't see it. When this happens to me, changing my TDR is how I get my eyes opened. 

So how do you change your thinking, doing and results? There's a systematic process for taking our flawed ideas and making them viable.  

It's what we do every day at CanaGlobal. 

Need help? Reach out.  

- Gerald 

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