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90% of entrepreneurs are feeling sidelined.

May 16, 2024

90% of entrepreneurs are feeling sidelined. They're injured sitting on the sidelines in pain. Mostly alone.  

It's easy to be full of passion and excitement when you first get started. 

But every bootstrapper or a startup founder seeking VC has to crack-the-code. The RevOps code. 

Miss this (90% do) and the market will be unforgiving. You won't land new customers or investors. 

We've all heard that 90% of new entrepreneurs fail. Why? 

- no customers 
- no revenue 
- no cash 

- no investors 
- no runway 
- no cash 

Pick your poison. 

Look, no one is born an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is something we all have to learn

You have to learn to crack the RevOps code. 

When you do, you'll be able to answer these three questions. 

#1 - What's your strategy to drive (customer or investor) traffic to your website? 

#2 - What's your strategy to convert that (customer or investor) traffic into leads

#3 - What's your strategy to convert your (customer or investor) leads into a win-rate

Your strategy has to work. If it doesn't, it's because your original idea is flawed. 

If you take a flawed idea to the market, for customers or investors, it will fail. 

Everyone knows the rules: Our original ideas are always flawed. 

In our incubator and venture studio, this where we start — 100% of the time. 

To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to learn how to take a flawed idea into a viable one. 

It's not going to get fixed if you're sitting on the sidelines, you have to get back in the game. Sometimes you have to play in pain. 

God created you to succeed. He knows what you're doing wrong. Ask him. 

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8) 

Many years ago when I first became a faith-driven founder, I was stuck and sidelined. I asked God to help me. I found two biblical promises that I stood on: James 1:5 & Matt 7:7-8

God helped me crack-the-code. The problem with the 90% who are failing, most can't admit their idea is flawed. So they sit wounded and bitter on the sidelines. 

Don't be that founder. Get back in the game!  


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