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You should be swinging for the fences! Feb 01, 2024

This is why you should be swinging for the fences, especially if you're a faith-driven founder.

And forget about the temptation to think small BECAUSE you're trying to be realistic.

Don't be tempted to limit what's possible based on your past experiences.

We've just started a new year, your...

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Most who say they are walking by faith, aren't. Jan 31, 2024

Most who say they are walking by faith, aren't. How do I know?

Their words and actions give them away.

When you are walking by sight, your circumstances drive everything. When they're good you feel great. But when they are adverse, you become focused on your problems...

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For faith-driven founders seeking VC. Jan 30, 2024

I have a word for faith-driven founders seeking venture capital.

Whether you are seeking funding from secular VC or Kingdom-minded VC, if you want to get funded you have to enter into a state of investor readiness.

The standard for Kingdom investors will be different than secular, and...

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Entrepreneurship wasn't meant to be a solo journey. Jan 29, 2024

Entrepreneurship wasn't meant to be a solo journey.

You don't have to be overwhelmed doing it alone. In fact doing-it-alone is probably a huge mistake.

For those of you who know me, you already know I've dedicated my life to making it more of a guided journey, step-by-step.

Have you...

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This is the REAL prosperity Gospel. Jan 27, 2024

This is the REAL prosperity Gospel. Anything else is a scam, including the poverty gospel preached by those who don't believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know]...

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Is it selfish to ask God for what you want? Jan 26, 2024

Is it selfish to ask God for what you want? Or do you just ask Him for what you need?

I've always had big dreams and desires inside me. Growing up, many religious folks seemed wishy-washy on this issue. It was hard to get a straight answer.

"Well you know Gerald, God will provide what...

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Setbacks and obstacles are inevitable. Jan 25, 2024

In life, setbacks and obstacles are inevitable. But with Christ, comebacks are certain.

As someone rooted by my faith in God and the Bible, I see the trouble as mere distractions, just scenery along the journey, so no matter what I just keep pressing forward.

When distractions...

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Something I love about being wrong. Jan 23, 2024

You don't have to settle for what's not working in your life. Sometimes your plans are just dead wrong. But there's something I love about being wrong.

I get to be right about something new. That's the tradeoff.

The best way to be "right" might be to admit you were wrong.

For me, this revelation...

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God always has a plan. Jan 23, 2024

I've learned a million things (success ingredients) on my entrepreneurial  journey, and everyday I attempt to share some of them with you. But what is the best way for you to glean your fill of them?

Go directly to my source for wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Meet with who I...

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Should you bootstrap or raise capital for your startup? Jan 22, 2024

Should you bootstrap or raise capital for your startup? 

In my opinion, the founders who are doing both, are especially wise. They've developed a playbook for both.

Take founders Brian Mangels and Justin Clark with their b2c venture Home On, they are doing both....

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When everything I am "trying" to do isn't working. Jan 21, 2024

Every-time I have become stuck over my 40 year entrepreneurial journey, when everything I am "trying" to do isn't working, best I can remember THE ANSWER has been in front of me the whole time.

Each time I can remember, God multiplied what I had. But for some reason I...

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Want to attract (look very sexy) to investors? Jan 20, 2024

Want to attract (look very sexy) to investors? Produce profitable revenue. THIS. Is the law of attraction.

To those founders who have the courage, who have invested the time to learn RevOps, building the revenue engine that attracts new customers, you will ALSO...

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