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When We're Stuck! Mar 10, 2023

What do you call an entrepreneur who is stuck, God offers help, but they don't take it?


Whatever help you might need, there is a specific promise in the Bible for you, right now.

I'd bet my life on His promises. You can too!

In fact, there are over 6000 plus biblical promises available...

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99% of you struggling with revenue growth are missing this. Mar 09, 2023

What's RevOps? 99% of you struggling with revenue growth are missing this.

And if you are pre-rev looking for funding, especially you!

(Look below for the question I ask every founder)

RevOps is a strategy that aligns and optimizes all revenue-generating functions to drive growth, improve customer...

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Your Journey is Your Destiny. Mar 08, 2023

As a Faith Driven Investor & Founder, I've been set free to pursue my dreams and goals.

And to help you reach yours.

I've embraced my journey. My destiny is my journey.

I've fallen in love with my journey.

I've fallen in love with where I'm at in my journey.

I've fallen in love with the...

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You Are Chosen. Mar 07, 2023

When you become a Christ-follower, regardless of your circumstances, you get a new identity and marketplace calling from God.

Joseph's identity and marketplace calling didn't change in the pit, prison or the palace.

If you lose your job ... it doesn't change
If you lose your business ... it...

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How do you measure success? Mar 06, 2023

As an entrepreneur, how do you measure your success?

If we’re honest, I think it’s instinctive to measure our personal success by the performance of our careers, businesses, and the wealth we generate.

After all …

- Big income
- Debt free
- A wonderful family
- Nice house
- Great...

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We have 3 images of identity. Mar 03, 2023

Two of them are false and a complete waste of time.

#1 - Projected Image - How you want others to see you
#2 - Perceived Image - How others actually see you
#3 - Actual Image - How God sees you

Deep inside everyone is a need and drive for significance.

- A craving to be known
- To have...

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When God prepares a table for us right in front of our enemies Mar 02, 2023

We all have enemies, those who dislike us, or creeps who actively wish us harm.

And this makes them soooo stinkin' mad.

I love it when God prepares a table for us right in front of our enemies. When our cup overflows with His blessings.

"You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You...

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Are you a slave to your calendar? Mar 01, 2023

I am.

Maybe you should be too.

Naturally, I have control over what goes on my calendar, but once a task is scheduled, I commit to completing it during the designated day/hour.

I have a clear idea of what I will achieve during each hour of every day throughout the week.

Investing our time wisely...

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Good leader vs Great leader? Feb 28, 2023

What's the difference?

- Good leaders fix what's broke.
- Great leaders fix what (to others) isn't broke.

As a good leader, you may focus on identifying and solving problems in your organization or team. However, as a great leader, you understand that it's not just about fixing what's broken, but...

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What makes a business succeed beyond all expectations? Feb 27, 2023

What makes a business succeed beyond all expectations?

As a VC and venture studio mentor, I can tell you that achieving extraordinary success isn't just about having a great product or service. It's about having a mindset that's focused on continuous improvement and a willingness to take risks...

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Activate Your Superpower. Feb 23, 2023

Every faith driven founder has a superpower, an ability that comes from God.

You have it, even if you don't know what it is, it's already planted inside you.

Let me explain, we all have a calling from God, it's the thing God created us to do.

- A plan and purpose.
- Seasons with assignments.


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When the storms of life hit? Feb 21, 2023

It's easy to believe God is in control when everything is going good.

But what about when the storms of life hit? When life isn't working out the way we planned it.

Here's what I've learned about storms.

- First, God has to allow them.
- He is always in 100% control.
- He will use the winds of the...

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