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Don't get comfortable with success. Dec 30, 2023

Don't get comfortable with success.

Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.

That quote from Billy Graham is so true.

One of the lessons I've learned over the past 40 years building and investing in a variety of ventures is there is very little...

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Don't be a Christian Kiss-Butt! Dec 29, 2023

Don't be a Christian Kiss-Butt!

Nothing worse than someone with false humility. A WIMP.

Don't get me wrong, God loves humility and resists the proud.

And so do I!

But Jesus paid the price so we could be more than conquerors.

- Not sheep headed for slaughter.

- If you are a Christ...

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What do you do when your business is failing? Dec 28, 2023

What do you do when your circumstances are out of control? When you have a business that is failing?

I can only tell you what I have done. I've always said we are in one of three life stages.

#1 - In a crisis
#2 - Coming out of a crisis
#3 - Heading right into a crisis

The trouble with...

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My goals are determined by this and this only. Dec 27, 2023

My present circumstances have nothing to do with the size of my business/personal dreams and goals. The size is determined by this and this only.

I set the size of my business/personal dreams and goals through my faith in this promise from Ephesian 3:20 AMP. 

- Now to Him who is...

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He has a plan for you. Dec 26, 2023

Yesterday many of us celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But the birth of Jesus does you no good if you don't celebrate another birth, YOURS.

Before God formed you in your mother's womb, He knew you.

He chose you before the creation of the world.

He has an actual...

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To any of you who find yourselves broke this Christmas ... Dec 24, 2023

To any of you who find yourselves broke this Christmas, I've been there and I have a word for you.

First, when you can't do what you want for your family during the holidays, it just plain sucks.

And no matter how much all the well-wishers tell you just to count your...

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I'm asking God for four things I already have. Dec 23, 2023

This coming year I'm asking God for four things. They are all things I already have. Let me explain.

First, whatever I want or desire must align with the Word of God, His Bible. Why? Because His Word is also His will.

And I am taking-hold of these...

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New startup founders are slow to learn this. Dec 21, 2023

New startup founders are slow to learn this. They think their ideas are v100 when they are actually v2 or 3. The Biblical term for this is stupidity.

"A [closed-minded] fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his personal opinions [unwittingly displaying his self-indulgence...

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Why I left the Church. Dec 20, 2023

Here’s why I left the Church.

I realized Church wasn’t a place to go, it was a people. An Ekklesia.

Jesus gave us our marching orders in two of the gospels TO GO and make disciples of people and nations.

I began to realize it was time for the church to be...

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Are you rejecting God's prosperity? Dec 19, 2023

It's odd how many Christians don't believe it's God's will for them to prosper — in EVERY area of their life.

But Gerald, "can you actually know what God's will is?" 

Yes! His Word (the Bible) is His will. 

Unless of course you don't believe the Bible is...

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The God-Kind of faith doesn't care. Dec 18, 2023

The God-Kind of faith doesn't care.

- It doesn't care if you are rich or poor.
- It doesn't care about what country you're in.
- It doesn't care about your level of education.
- It doesn't care about your background or connections.

You see, God specializes in taking the nobodies of the world,...

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We are what we say. Dec 18, 2023

I've been reading through my 2023 journal, my notes from my daily conversations with God and what I've learned from studying His Word. I can sum it all up with these four words.

>> Simple faith. Plain truth.

We become what we think.
We become what we believe.
We become what we...

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