Your WHY won't matter ... if you don't have a WHEN

Oct 18, 2020

A person with a WHY, but without a WHEN, is Wishy-Washy.

There are many entrepreneurs who are passionate about their WHY, but they can't seem to get much done because they lack a WHEN. 

Unfortunately, this is one of the top 3 entrepreneurial dream killers.

They are well-meaning Founder/CEOs on the entrepreneurial mountain climb, experiencing little or no progress. 

So Let's Expose It and Eradicate It.

Look, deep inside every entrepreneur is a God-planted dream. A vision to build a purpose-driven business and do something that really matters. In fact, if you're a Founder/CEO of a purpose-driven business, you're busy building a brand around your WHY.

But, your WHY won't matter if you don't have a WHEN.

What do I mean by a WHEN? A timeline. Your timeline is your GPS to navigate getting from point A to point B. From dream to destiny. And without it, you'll get lost, fast.

You'll wind up not knowing what to do each day/week/month/quarter, wasting months/years chasing your tail, instead of producing results. Strong revenue and profits!

The person without WHEN is building a bridge that leads to nowhere. And unfortunately, when they get there, they'll be left with monuments of nothingness. Sadly, these are mostly really nice people, good people, getting nowhere fast.

So don't be that Founder/CEO without a WHEN.

But if that's you, let's learn what it takes to get unstuck.

You see, someplace between your dream and destiny is a path full of plans to set, things to accomplish, lessons to learn, and goals to reach. This is the journey to success.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur who has the know-how (supernatural wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and ability from the Holy Spirit) to partner with God in the marketplace, market and sell online, get clients, accelerate revenue and profitability, with or without investors or venture capital — you'll have to develop true vision and diligence.

Let me define.

Vision is a precise, clearly defined goal with a detailed plan and timetable for achieving that goal.

Vision is more than an idea about how to execute your dream. True vision contains a detailed plan and timeline.

 Why? Let's see what God says about Vision in the Bible? 

Habakkuk 2:2-3 AMP - Then the Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision and engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets so that the one who reads it will run. “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time it hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.

How about diligence?

Diligence is a learnable skill that combines: creative persistence, a smart-working effort rightly planned and rightly performed in a timely, efficient, and effective manner to attain a result that is pure and of the highest quality of excellence.

Let's look at the scriptures for diligence.

Proverbs 10:4 AMP - Poor is he who works with a negligent and idle hand,
But the hand of the diligent makes him rich.

Proverbs 13:4 AMP - A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied

How To Get The WHEN.

First, let's leverage some promises from God.

Proverbs 16:3 NIV - Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:9 NIV - In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

If you will show vision and diligence with God, He will establish your steps. That's an amazing promise from God Himself. It's too good not to leverage.

Start with creating a timeline of what you want to accomplish, even if you don't know how you are going to do it at the moment you are setting your WHENs.

One of the tools I use is the free version of Toggl Plan for planning a timeline. It gives me a big picture view of what I want to accomplish, and most importantly, by WHEN.

This timeline becomes my roadmap. Another free tool I use is Trello.  I use this as a post-it board for my monthly tasks. I can drag and drop each item by priority.

And for weekly tasks, I use the task feature inside of the Google calendar. At the start of every week, I make a list of all that I wish to accomplish, prioritize it, and then assign it to a day/time.

What I've learned over my 36 plus years as a serial entrepreneur partnering with God in the marketplace is God expects me to do my part. To take the vision that He gives me and to be diligent with it. Remember, He's my partner and I'm executing His plans.

God establishes my plans through the power of the Holy Spirit who guides me and teaches everything I know. He helps me make great decisions and fills me full of ideas and strategies to innovate and win.

Define your WHENs with a timeline and you'll never get lost on your journey.






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