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Your identity is found in who God says you are.

Sep 20, 2022

When you have someone that doesn’t know who they are, everything they do will be an effort to try to make themselves into something — to create their own identity.

One of the most important revelations we can get from the Word of God is to understand who we are in Christ.

Identifying with Christ will change the way we live and cause us to rise above adversity.

But not understanding our identity in Him will keep us living far below our rights and privileges in Christ.

Have you ever heard this declaration?

+ This is my Bible.
+ I am what it says I am.
+ I can do what it says I can do.

Considering that less than 6% of Christians have made the Bible the center of their lives, and less than 15% read it on a regular basis, I'm guessing this is a truer statement.

- This is my Bible.
- I don’t know what it says.
- I don’t know who I am.
- I don’t know what I can do.

If you don’t know (have the Biblical knowledge) of who you are in Christ, your authority in Christ, and the power of Christ that backs your authority, Satan will do to you and your family, what he did to Job’s family. 

So how does satan deceive us? He gets us to believe in a false identity based on:

- The way you grew up
- Hurts
- Circumstances
- Thoughts
- Feelings
- Success and failures
- Financial status

This is what has shaped our False Identity. And to boot, the church has spent too much time correcting actions rather than revealing identity.

When you have someone that doesn’t know who they are, everything they do will be an effort to try to make themselves into something — to create their own identity.

They will devote every effort to become a person of significance, instead of understanding that they are already significant.

If you put your identity in what you can do instead of who God says you already are, then you’ll be on this perpetual cycle trying to earn approval and gain something that you already have.

Your identity is not found in what you do. Your identity is found in who God says you are. There is nothing you can do to change your identity because your identity is already established (as a believer).

It’s not about trying to manage who you were. It’s about learning to live out who you have become.

God chose you!! 

It’s when you realize who you are, that you realize that you were behaving below your nature — you were living short of your potential.


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