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When life isn’t working out ...

Sep 10, 2023

We all experience seasons when life isn’t working out the way we planned it.

It’s during these times this truth will open up the window of hope in your life.

Your future will be re-ignited when you come to believe this profound truth from God Himself.

>> Your future doesn’t get determined by your present circumstances.

So what you are currently experiencing is only scenery along the way.

Albeit good or bad, it’s temporary.

>> Your future gets determined by God’s plan for your life.

>> And His plan will prosper you. Period.

What’s left for you to do is align your plans with His.

When you do, both your life and vocation will change for the better by 100x.

I created a digital course called “Higher Calling”, it’s available on our website and we made it free.

>> Know this, nothing can stop God’s plan and purpose for your life except you, if you decide reject it.

I’ve helped tens-of-thousands discover their purpose and I can help you too.


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