What Would You Change?

Mar 21, 2022

If you won 5M in the lotto ...
What would you change in your life?

Every year I ask myself a similar question ... right before I start reviewing my business/revenue/branding model.

Then I ask myself what would I change about my personal life IF I had a magic wand? At first I focus on the things that cost money.

- Where I live
- Mortgage
- Retirement Fund
- Debt
- Lifestyle
- Generosity
- etc etc etc

Once I've calculated the total costs of having what I want, the desires of my heart, THIS becomes my personal 5 year dreams and goals.

Then I examine by business/revenue/branding model. I align them with my personal goals.

I adjust, adjust and adjust until I'm confident my business will produce enough revenue to pay me the personal income I need to accomplish ALL of my personal dreams and goals.

#1 - I decide what I want

#2 - I calculate the cost

#3 - I adjust or create from scratch a business/revenue/branding model that will pay me what I want.

This is the power of becoming an entrepreneur. You have the freedom to create whatever you want, to live anyway you want.

By the way, at our full-stack entrepreneur accelerator at CanaGlobal, this is the first phase we take every solopreneur through.

We do this same exact thing when we are working with small business CEOs and their sales and marketing teams.

Because we are a faith-based organization, we start with this as our foundation.

>> Ephesians 3:20 AMP - Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.

This biblical promise (one of 6000 plus) is so empowering to all. It takes us to an Everything-is-Possible mindset.

Try it. You'll like it!

- Gerald

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