What's the trouble with trouble?

Jun 19, 2022

What's the trouble with trouble?

- It's inevitable.
- So how do you fight back? (that depends)

One day life seems great and the next ... you've lost your job, a business deal has soured, someone has cheated you ... or the doctor calls with the report that you now have cancer.

Experience has taught me that we are in one of three life stages:

- in a crisis
- coming out of a crisis
- heading directly into a crisis, unbeknownst to us, because everything seems fine.

When troubling circumstances arrive, it's natural to wonder about these questions.

- Who's behind the trouble?
- Why has God allowed it?
- How does God want us to respond to trouble?

Here's what I do when trouble hits.

1. Find out what the Word says. Do this first. Know your rights.

2. Ask God what He wants you to do.

3. Trust your faith instead of your feelings.

Ephesians 6 and Psalms 91 are often my first sources of revelation. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you.

Three truths to remember:

Trouble is inevitable.
Expect battle.
But ALWAYS expect victories.


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