What do you do when your business is failing?

Dec 28, 2023

What do you do when your circumstances are out of control? When you have a business that is failing?

I can only tell you what I have done. I've always said we are in one of three life stages.

#1 - In a crisis
#2 - Coming out of a crisis
#3 - Heading right into a crisis

The trouble with trouble is that it's inevitable. So what do I do when trouble hits?

I immediately go to the Word of God to see what God says about my trouble. I go find the promises of God that I'm going to stand on. Regardless of the facts of my circumstances, the Word of God is my truth.

I choose God's truth over my facts.

I've learned how to stay out of doubt, fear and worry no matter what I see or feel. I begin to speak God's promises over my life.

I receive peace because I have faith that God has a plan, that it's a plan to prosper me. And that He promises to deliver me from all trouble.

But, I have to trust God completely for His how and when.

- How He is going to deliver me.
- When He is going to deliver me.

I have joy in the midst of my trouble because I know that no matter what happens, God will make good on His promises.

- He never has let me down, ever.
- But I haven't always liked His timing.

95% of the time He has rescued me from my trouble. The other 5% of the time He has allowed me to go into the fire. These have been my desert seasons.

But at the end of the day He has refreshed me and restored me.

Most business failure is totally preventable. I know, I have spent the past 22 years turning-around and growing ventures in our studio. Mostly, the ones having the trouble lacked a solid RevOps model. So we installed a revenue engine.

But sometimes God allows the failure. Keep in mind that even when he does, Romans 8:28 is always in effect.

"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose."

Psalm 34:19 is always in effect:

"The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all."

All means All.

If you are experiencing troubling  circumstances, focus on God's promises, not your circumstances. 

When I'm experiencing lack in any area of my life, I go full-immersion into studying, meditating and speaking God's promises.

- Get them in your heart
- Receive them by faith.
- Begin to speak them over your life.

Stay in faith which is calling what is not, as though it were.


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