Wearing the Robe of Righteousness

Aug 19, 2022

What are you wearing? Sorry if that sounds creepy!

I ask because if you are a Christ-Follower driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God you should be wearing a robe of righteousness — not guilt and condemnation.

From the moment you received Christ as your savior, every one of your sins ... past, present and future ... has been forgiven.

Your sin problem is gone for good. Righteousness was an event.

Your sinner problem is being worked out in a process called sanctification.

You are righteous by faith only, not works.

Ephesians 4:22 says you were created to be like God (God-like).

- Regarding your previous way of life, you put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires, and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude], and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation].

Why is all this important?

Because you'll never be able to fulfill your calling until you put on the robe of righteousness that comes only through unmerited favor and grace.

Once you understand this, you'll walk freely and actually sin less.

The blood of Jesus is expensive, and I declare it over all creation and over you.

Be set free.


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