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Waiting for Your Breakthrough.

Dec 05, 2023

When you are waiting for your breakthrough, is God waiting on you or are you waiting on God?

It can be frustrating when you’re already doing everything and still not seeing the breakthrough you desire. Especially when God promises to give us the desires of our hearts.

If God is waiting on us, this is when we need the wisdom to know what we need to change.

- read James 1:5

- read Matt 7:7

This happens to me a lot when I ask God to change something in my life. It's in these moments when He shows me what I'm already empowered to change through the power of His Word. 

>> The Word gives me wisdom.

>> The Holy Spirit (who live inside me) gives me understanding.

>> When I apply wisdom and understanding to any situation, I get knowledge, the know-how to change my circumstances. 

But other times there is nothing we need to change. The proverbial pie just needs more time in the oven. (that's us) 

We just need to learn how to endure and wait patiently on God, because He is still in the process of refining us in some way, this is when we learn the power of endurance.

At the end of the day, we trust Him because He has a plan, and it's a plan to prosper us. When you can trust Him in this way you will find both peace and joy in the midst of your circumstances 


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