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Tired of waiting on God? Then do this.

May 04, 2021

Are you becoming WEARY in waiting on God?

So let's see how this works ...

God puts a dream in your heart, an assignment to do something amazing, for Him. His idea.

Maybe to launch a business or ministry. After your due diligence, by faith, you pursue this God-planted adventure.

But then you run into delays, difficulty, and deadends. Without a miracle, your dream is dead. It looks dead. And it feels dead.

Here's the thing, it's not your dream. It's His. So here's a new way of looking at things.

This isn't a story about you, it's a God story. Enter into what God is doing for you. This will be your turning point. It is what Abraham did in Romans 4.

Take your eyes off of yourself, what you see and feel. Instead, focus on Jesus. Focus on who He is and what He is doing.

In this video podcast with faith-driven entrepreneur Benson Agbortogo, we discuss how Who 2 Who Praise is the KEY that opens the door to your destiny.

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