The Same Co-Founder in Every Venture

Aug 26, 2022

I am in my calling, marketplace ministry.

What does that mean?

For the past few decades I've invested my resources into equipping entrepreneurs for works of service. To be successful and prosperous in their Kingdom calling.

And these days, connecting Kingdom capital for Kingdom ventures.

All these years I've had the same co-founder in every venture I've been a part of.

My co-founder is the Holy Spirit. He is my source for everything, spiritual and material.

- He knows everything
- He guides me into all truth ( I can spot lies)
- He tells me what is to come
- He teaches me all things (spiritual and business)
- He reminds me of everything God has said in His Word
- He empowers me do even greater works than Jesus.

I know, that freaked me out too, but this is from the mouth of Jesus Himself.

>> Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. (John 14:12-14)

He reminds me that Jesus made this promise to me ... "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

He's my co-founder and who I co-create with every day.

Is He yours? What are you building with Him?


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