Accomplishing any work/life goal is simple. But not easy!

Jul 28, 2021

The process of accomplishing any work/life goal is simple. But not easy!

Whatever it is you are struggling to accomplish, the reason you are struggling isn't because of your circumstances, it's because you don't know how to navigate the change necessary to accomplish your dreams and goals.

Hang on, don't get mad at me, stay with me!

This applies to everything in your ...

- career or business
- finances
- relationships
- health
- purpose
- faith
- identity

The reason for the struggle is you lack the know-how to accomplish your goals.

>> After all, if you actually knew how you'd have the results you were looking for. So how do you learn how ... to get the know-how?

Change your TDR. (Think. Do. Results.)

+ We all have a way of thinking, good or bad.

+ Your thinking produces a way of doing, good or bad.

+ Your doing produces results, good or bad.

When you have sucky results, you have stinkin' thinkin'.

Don't fight it. Admit it. Change it. Change your thinking, change your doing, change your results.

Think > Do > Results

Whenever something is not working out for me, I immediately look to change my thinking. This is how I get results. I never blame my circumstances. Why? I refuse to be a victim.

A victor is willing to change their thinking and learn new things. It's how we solve life and business problems.

Why don't more people do this simple thing? Pride and Ego. They are in love with what doesn't work. The definition for insanity describes why. Google it.

To my fellow believers. If you are seeking an accelerated and foolproof way to change your thinking. Ask God. He promises to give you wisdom. Every time. James 1:5

Not in love with your present results? Just be willing to change your thinking.

It requires diligence and perseverance. That's never easy.

- Gerald

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