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The {4 + 10 = 100x} Success Formula

Nov 24, 2020

Psalm 1:3 NIV - That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

The Formula

Get really good at these 4 business things, plus these 10 faith and purpose things, and whatever you touch will prosper through connecting the dots between business, purpose, success, and faith.

This has been my winning formula for business and life success, and it has produced 100x results in my life.

As a serial entrepreneur for 36-plus years, I've been the Founder/CEO of multiple ventures in the staffing, education, edtech, marketing, business turnaround, and entrepreneur accelerator spaces.

I've been fortunate to lead some amazing teams, landing multiple times on the prestigious INC 500, Deloitte Top Technology 50, Corporate 100, Business Journal's Top 25, and the 40 Under 40.

I'm also the author of two books, HisPlan MyPlan and Ignite Your Success. Both books have to do with being successful, God's way.

Over the years I've gotten really good at these 4 business things and 10 faith and purpose things, I've taught thousands of dream-chasers to do the same.

If you have a learning heart, it will serve you.

And if you want to become an entrepreneur who is also a powerful revenue generator, driven by Faith, Purpose, and Kingdom, you can learn to get really good at this success formula.

If you want the know-how, you only have to be willing to learn how. It's that simple.

Here you go!

The 4 Business Things

  1. Dream Big and Plan Big to 100x Your Future Work/Life Goals.

    This is about getting good at stretching your perception of what's possible. Setting a vision and plan around what you want out of work and life, and then calculating the cost of getting there in terms of time, energy, focus, and money. 

    You see, everything is possible for those who believe AND accompany their faith with true vision and diligence. This is the action that follows faith. No written plan, no vision. 

    You have to develop the ability to set work/life vision and goals around what you want out of life, without knowing for sure how you will get there. The knowing part always follows the learning-how part. 

    Most people struggling with this concept. They limit what's possible to their past limited experiences. In fact, they dream about one inch from their circumstances.

  2. Bulletproof Your Business Model and Brand.

    To develop a powerful business model and brand, you'll need a vetting system to bulletproof both. Only build what will achieve your work/life dreams and goals. Get good at vetting your model and brand, and everything you touch will profit. 

    Incidentally, about 50 percent of business failure has to do with not having the right business model, brand, and product/market fit. 

  3. Develop a Digital Footprint and Ecosystem.

    Your future customers will most likely discover you online. So you'll have to get really good at building awareness, influence, and education, all online. 80 percent of the buyer journey occurs online. 

    So, getting really good at developing a digital ecosystem that will create and nurture prospects organically, around their preferred buyer journey, do this and you'll win big every time.

  4. Create a Marketing and Sales Strategy

    And finally, you'll have to get really good at connecting the pieces of the puzzle to develop a robust customer acquisition system, a formula capable of producing scalable and predictable revenue to accomplish your growth goals.

    This is the execution of the business model. It's what produces new customers and revenue ... the money! 

Get good at these 4 business things, and you've now built the business foundation for success.  

10 Faith and Purpose Things

Now, if you are open to God's help and His purpose for you as an entrepreneur, get good at knowing these 10 faith and purpose things, and this will be your unfair advantage.

  1. Inheritance: Our Family Benefits

    If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have an inheritance. It's a family benefits package of 6,000-plus Biblical promises available to you. You'll need them to succeed and prosper on your entrepreneurial journey. Learn how to know what they are.

  2. Source: Hearing From God

    If you are planning on partnering with God in the marketplace, you'll have to be able to hear His voice. So the question becomes, how does God speak to us in the modern age, and how do we know it's really Him? You'll have to learn how to hear His voice.

  3. Permission: Changing The Way We Think.

    We've all developed a way of thinking, good or bad. It produces a way of doing, good or bad. This doing produces results, good or bad. As a faith-driven entrepreneur, what do we need to do to align our thinking with God's? You'll have to get good at allowing God to renew your mind.

  4. Learning: Developing A Learning Heart

    If it's your desire to become successful in achieving your work/life dreams and goals, then creating the capacity for growth is non-negotiable. What does it take to become a continuous learner as an entrepreneur, and as a follower of Jesus Christ? You'll have to get good at allowing God to change your doing.

  5. Battle: Conquering Your Circumstances

    There is no victory, except through battle. So if you're partnering with God in the marketplace, how do you do battle God's way? What does that look like as a CEO? You'll have to get good at the battle, God's way.

  6. Faith: The Battle For Success

    Did you know the Bible says satan has a PLOT to steal your faith? Fortunately, God has a PLAN for you to succeed by faith. The battleground takes place in your mind, it's for your thought-life, and the winner takes all. How do you stay in total faith and peace throughout your entrepreneurial journey? This is a must and you'll have to get good at this.

  7. Purpose: Identifying God's Plan For You.

    You feel as though you were called by God. You have dreams and goals that feel God-planted. But how can you really know God's plan and purpose for you as an entrepreneur? You'll have to get good at identifying God's plan and purpose for your life.

  8. Start: Taking Your First Step

    When God begins to speak His vision into you, you'll have to receive it by faith, because it will be bigger than anything you could ever accomplish alone. Taking your first step often requires leaving your comfort zone, so how do you balance the risks with obedience? You'll have to get good at taking the first step, getting out of the boat by faith.

  9. Provision: God is Our Source

    One of the most important tests we'll ever face is trusting God to be our provider for everything, both spiritual and material. There will come a time on your entrepreneurial journey where without a miracle, you will be doomed. Knowing how to walk out your faith in these moments will determine if you sink or swim. You'll have to get good at trusting God to be your source for everything in your life.

  10. Prosperity: The High-Faith Believer

    Throughout the Bible, we are repeatedly instructed to strive to be successful and prosper in every area of our lives. How can we live, fearing not, believing only, and trusting God to prosper us in all that we do? And you'll have to get good at prospering, God's way.

This is The {4+10 = 100x} Success Formula

Get really good at these 4 business things, and these 10 faith and purpose things, and whatever you touch will prosper.

Don't settle for stuck when you can choose God's success for your life!

I recently created a video called The Journey. It's a video journey on how to partner with God in the marketplace, how to build a profitable business model, a powerful brand, and a digital ecosystem to land new clients and accelerate your revenue. It's free and you can watch here.



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