Struggling to overcome a tough season?

Mar 20, 2023

Struggling to overcome a tough season? Here's the truth you need to hear: You can't just pray it away. Let's talk about embracing the journey and trusting in God's plan.

You see, there are some seasons of struggle that are simply part of God's plan for us, and we can't just pray them away.

It's natural to want to claim every promise, quote every scripture, and pray against every obstacle, but sometimes, we have to accept that the struggle is a necessary part of our journey.

It'll keep going until God decides it's time for it to end.

God tests us. And through these tests, He refines us through the fire.

But here's the good news, God's best blessings come wrapped in trials.

If you are weary, don't give up or give in, your best days are ahead.


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